Friday, January 26, 2007

Taking a break from my notes to blog… Nowadays, I just can’t seem to go a day without blogging.

I should have listen to you but your words always fall on deaf ears.

Your words, “You will come to regret it soon.. You are just troubling yourself.”

This is the part where I go, “Dammit! I hate to admit it but I think you are right.” Sheesh..

Sue… A girl who thinks she is always right and won’t listen to others. A stubborn little girl who don’t know herself, inside. So keras kepala, as you always call me…

Now a decision has been made and I have to accept it. Regrets or no regrets, I have to keep it. Old habits die hard but I can do it!! Done it once, so I’m sure I can do it again. Right? Right! *being outrageously optimistic even though she knows the chances of it*

You keep saying I can’t control myself. Now I will show you SELF-CONTROL!! And I will show that, my leopard spots are sprayed-on spots.

Go, Sue!!! *showing confidence of herself*

To a loved one, I’m sorry for showing you that face/expression I haven’t shown since months ago. I know I seem to be in a daze for a whole day. And you know me the best among others and you have shown me support through all that. But no worries, I’m taking everything in my stride. *winks*

To the person I’m mad since afternoon, STRIKE ONE!!! Sheesh. Just because I cancelled our outings like twice, I did make up for it OKAI!! Nak kena kan orang blek pandai seh. Trying to make me feel how you felt those times. But never mind, Whatever.. Read this carefully.. "You are paying the next trip", so no hard feelings!! HAHA!!

Now, back to C&AT notes… bye!