Monday, January 29, 2007

Been binge-ing again! Oh goodness gracious!! Hopefully I can still fit in my jeans weeks later. *prays hard*

And, and I’m going to Causeway Point tomorrow!! FOR DINNER!!! I miss my roti john there. Or should I just go to Simpang and eat the Roti John there? Hmm… Let’s see how my makan kaki decides. But whatever it is, I’m eating Roti John tomorrow!!

OH!! I have this special wish, I know some people know but I’m still gonna ask for it openly!! Can I pweettipwettipwetti pleeeeaaseee… Have a hamster as a gift on friendship day?? *flutter eyes*

I remember telling one of the friends what I wanted on Valentines-cum-Friendship day and he/she said it was a dumb gift. It’s not. It’s something unusual/special/extraordinary. You are giving a life to me. I wish I could just have a pretty little hamster, in that small little cage in pink. *dreaming*

And my TWeety!! Something happened to it!! I was holding on to it while eating curry and plop!! It fell right of the head.. Sheesh! Now there is an ugly patch there. But I wiped it off, so it’s a little bit better…

Okay, I’m way lazy on my notes/revision. I’m just lazy!! Can’t face it!! So now, I’m off to bed…

Bye2… love you.. MUAX!!