Friday, February 27, 2009

Just because I love him,

And I miss him that much.

And not getting to see him starting next week.

Pizza Mania,

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

You cut me halfway while I was saying I love you.
Now, I want to say,
I love you.
That much.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

And because I love them that much,

And because I don't care what you people might have said,

I was feeling all disappointed yesterday after seeing what it would be like in March, that I slept feeling all so cranky and grumpy inside.

But think again, it's alright.

Tak mati what!!


So i figured out its okay that your timetable is ridiculously planned, and blame me for having too many things at hand, with school, with tuition, with assignment and my "Suhaila's time".

I know I will freaking miss OUR time together and I will be a freaking "single lady"
for the month for real this time, even though you claimed that I say that every month.

And of course, even though I am still pissed off about the 21st thing, at least I know a party will be there to prep me up high. Kan, Fidza??

And of course, like you mentioned as my best quality you love about me, I am understanding enough.

If you take me out this weekend for East Coast Seafood.

*Smiles big-big*

Monday, February 23, 2009

Now I am feeling that disappointed.
Where can you find a boyfriend who sends you off at the airport at 5 am in the morning when he is working at 8am later and he got back from work 8pm before?

Where can you find a boyfriend who sings to you at every random time he can find, provided he has a good voice?

Where can you find someone who would make fun of you and himself just to make you laugh?

Where can you find a boyfriend who lets you hit him when you are mad, while he is hurting and crying inside?

And where can you find someone who says "I love you and I miss you" 1234578292982 times a day?

And where can you find someone who would cover your head with his hand while walking in the rain because he says it will get you feverish?

Also, where can you find a boyfriend who gives you syarahan everyday about any topic he can come up with?

And lastly, where can you find a boyfriend who cooks for you dinner and makes breakfast while you sit and watch? ohhh!! and also takes you out for breakfast almost every week??

Well, I have found that someone.

And you can find him in Sengkang, Blk 100 plus, level 4.

And he is mine..


I don't know why I am typing that but never mind..


I'm meeting Fid again tomorrow and after that, meeting the bestfriends!!


Now, at least my recess week won't be mundane at all..

And yes, I am procastinating..

Still am, on the assignments.

Later, I would say..

I forgot to blog something..

Did I tell you I passed my Final Theory after 1 and half years, and after 5 tries??

Yes yes yes..

I was so freaking happy, excited and all the goodgoodgood things in the world.

Now, I can finally book my TP!!


I was thinking of having my TP in the month of June, nicely near my birthday.

That would be a good birthday present for me!

And of course, I told my Syg confidently,

"Confirm I can pass la.. I have no problem driving."

Confident giler.

So lets see la k, in the month of June. Wee....

And also, even if I fail, I can just take another try.

No rush, my boyfriend drives.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

I would always go,

"Sayang, lawa eh I eh."

when i come across a pretty picture of mine and he would just roll his eyes and go,

"As you wish."

But just now, he replied,

"Mesti la lawa. Tengok la matair sape. Matair Mun sorang je yang lawa dalam dunia nie."

And that is why I love him,

because only he can come up with all silly answers to make me smile a million.

Happy 9 months, Sexy Boncit!


Pushing the wheelchair around Afghanistan, up and down the hill.

My "heavy weight",

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Now, before I have to rush over to Fid's house and entertain all her nonsense or be an entertainer or making Arts & Craft, or pushing her to the salon on her wheelchair or whatever she want to do, seeing that she is recuperating from her misfortune,

LET's BLoG..

Later, right after tuition at 8pm...


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I didn't know today's tutorial was 1 hr instead of the normal 2.

I reached 8.45am and ended at 9.25am.

And it took me 1 hr 45 minutes to travel from Simei all the way to Jalan Bahar just for a merely 40 mins tutorial.

And yes, I am complaining!!
Why did NIE have to move from near Orchard to all the way here?

It would have save me so much trouble on transport time and money.

And all of my friends went back to halls or went home to sleep for 2 hours.

Now, why would I want to sleep??

By the time I sleep and in 2 hours' time when I wake up, I will still be as sleepy as now.

So might as well I rot here in the library and do all my petty assignments which only takes up 5% of the module.

5% and a 1000-word essay.

How ridiculous is that??

I am complaining. Yes I am.

And I am whining away alone in the library.

Wishing wednesdays did not exist at all.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My mom went to Johor for a shopping spree with the Aunties.

So it was Aunties' Day out la katekan.

She got back with tons of bags and lots of stuff.

So each of us got shorts as ours were torn and tattered.

And we still can't bear to throw them away.

I can still remember how the boyfriend laughed at me everytime he comes over and sees me in those shorts.

So there was blue and pink.

So my 2nd younger sister and i were fighting over the blue as both of us loved blue.

Then my other sister said,

"K, Kak Ngah. You take blue."

"Kak Long, you take pink because pink are for virgins."


My younger sister was so pissed off by that caption.

"So you are saying I am not virgin la because I take blue!!"

And mind you, my other sister was so damn cute when she said that!

And my mom bought lots of food.

"Long, ayam percik!"

"Long, Hati Ayam!!"

"Long, Baulu!!!"

And she keeps complaining that I am getting bigger by day and I should exercise.

I am sick of the DLK assignment.

Macam nak nangis la sey.

I do not know what to write.

I log on to Facebook and everyone's note is about DLK assignment.


I had a lovely Valentine's Day yesterday.

Going to my nephew's "cukur rambut" ceremony.

After which heading for tuition at Bedok reservoir.

And then, went dating with my DLK assignment.

And my boyfriend??

Was sleeping at home the whole day yesterday till his night shift.


My very own V-Day.

I started celebrating V day at the age of 17 and I have not celebrated it for 3 years.

No significance maybe.

And its our 9th month in 6 more days.

I told you I was excited to hit 1..

And many, many other things I am excited for.

Like getting prepared for the chalet next month and searching for his birthday pressie.


And what else.. My birthday which is in 4 months' time.

Come to me, bebey!


Saturday, February 14, 2009


April 8 come quick please!!

Ever since I bought that tickets, I have been youtube-ing to Craig David's music.

You better know, we have been crazy about Craig David (besides Justin Timberlake) since secondary school.

That his email which was activated years ago was named "muncraig@...".

How fascinating!!
I just love babies!!

Can I have one soon??

Without getting married and having sex??


Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm feeling paranoid and scared right now.

And I am paranoid that my friends will leave me.

Ignore me.

Just simply ignore me and I lose all of them at one go.

Silly, yes.



Thursday, February 12, 2009

This is usually what we do when we are together.

Only on wednesdays, this group of people.
What we do,

Shop at school bazaars, eat yogurt ice cream, and take silly photos of ourselves during tutorials.

You will be amazed sometimes.

And don't ever try to guess our age.

You will be very surprised.

I am so excited for so many reasons!

1. I am confirmed going for Craig David concert! I already got my tickets! Yeah!!

2. I am halfway through my DLK assignment. Part 1 done, and Part 2, almost there.. reaching.

3. I am meeting the girls later for seafood!

4. I am meeting my boyfriend later after ermm, a few days.

5. I just got my pay!! After being very kering gusi since I got back from KL.

6. I have found that perfect pinky things for his present. in NIE!

7. I am thrilled for the chalet next month. And I just can't wait about the planning and buying part. which I am already planned.

8. I am anxiously waiting for the 1st year to come in May. I told you I feel 16 in this relationship. Truly 16 even though I am turning 22.

9. I am turning 22 soon!! Come quick June!

10. Now finally!! I am just freaking excited for just everything above!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How could I have confuse Brad Pitt and Leonardo Dicaprio??

You tell me.

When I saw that Revolutionary Road book, I was like..

"Eh!! theres a book on it! I watched it already."

Confidently, commenting the movie was nice.

Then 2 days ago, I just realised that no, Revolutionary Rd was Leo and the one I watch was Brad.

The curious case of Benjamin Button.

So bodoh. So blur.

I bet if hui wen read this, she will surely go,

"As always."

Monday, February 09, 2009

Have you ever had the fun of hitting your boyfriend when he made you really mad that you were in tears?

I did! For the first time in my life.

Now, I can stop torturing myself since he is there for me to hit on.

When he makes me mad, at least.
Our grammar is in 2 and half hours time.

Everyone is going in with a whirlwind knowledge of english grammar and linguistics.



One more thing!!

I am going to craig david's concert!

I will be geared up in front of the computer, with Sistic website on exactly at 9am in the morning.


And Mal, thanks for the info!

*Singing to the tune of Maroon 5* Saturday morning, rain is not falling.

Best Friend woke me up with this,


Excited or what??

Woke boyfriend up, and I i got slammed for waking him up when he had just fallen asleep.


Sunday, February 08, 2009

Dr Wee cheat my feelings.

I thought the answers for Practice Papers will be out on Blackboard yesterday!!


Grammar is tomorrow.


Friday, February 06, 2009


Suddenly, I am so sick.

Coughing and running nose.

Just when I had recovered from my diarrhoea.

And i am waiting eagerly for the English Practice Papers to be out.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I am looking forward to Thursday.


It better work out or I am really gonna freak out.

My used-to-be-skinny boyfriend.


I was walking alone yesterday, on my way to pick him up from work.

And Sunday night, I saw so many army boys with their girlfriends

Sending them back to camp.

There, I was smiling to myself how silly I was back then,

sending my best boy friend, whom is now my REAL boyfriend back to camp.

Accompanying him day and night on the phone.

Forcing him to find reception in the jungle so that he can contact me.

And also, wasting $$ on cab fare so I could send him back to camp.

Him sneaking away from camp so that we could have supper at Jalan Kayu.

Him being my "girlfriend" for shopping during camp on-site days.

My kaki mengumpat and my kaki mengutuk.

How he put smiles on my face with his merepek linggo.

How I accompanied him to find presents for his then ex-girlfriend.

And me always calling him stupid.

Still keeps me laughing during those silly days.

Monday, February 02, 2009

The chalet is next month.

Which means,

His birthday is next month!

And I am ready to make it a wonderful, unforgettable birthday for him.

Get ready babey!!
Because I have not stepped into my Science lecture yet since Semester started.

Now I am scared.

Because I realised attendance is taken.

Thanks eh krgs!!

Tak tau nak bilang aku attendance taken.

Note to self, wake up for Monday morning lecture will you??