Tuesday, February 03, 2009

My used-to-be-skinny boyfriend.


I was walking alone yesterday, on my way to pick him up from work.

And Sunday night, I saw so many army boys with their girlfriends

Sending them back to camp.

There, I was smiling to myself how silly I was back then,

sending my best boy friend, whom is now my REAL boyfriend back to camp.

Accompanying him day and night on the phone.

Forcing him to find reception in the jungle so that he can contact me.

And also, wasting $$ on cab fare so I could send him back to camp.

Him sneaking away from camp so that we could have supper at Jalan Kayu.

Him being my "girlfriend" for shopping during camp on-site days.

My kaki mengumpat and my kaki mengutuk.

How he put smiles on my face with his merepek linggo.

How I accompanied him to find presents for his then ex-girlfriend.

And me always calling him stupid.

Still keeps me laughing during those silly days.