Saturday, June 20, 2009

For someone with a little faith in relationships,

I can say,

He is someone worth the wait and the time.

And no more overseas trip for me, not even across the sea within the next year or so.

Because I am going to start saving for my dream trip, Turkey.

Die, die, I want to make my dreams come true.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mess, mess, mess

I really need to get my ass off the bed and my feet in the house instead of out, to clean up my room and the house these few days.

Because I know that I will have my mother screaming her lungs out and nagging and following my big butt around saying, (sooner or later, latest by Friday afternoon i can gurantee.)

"Go and clean up your room and sweep the floor! Your 'future parents' are coming this weekend and the house is soooo dirty."

I mean, that was what she did when my boyfriend came over past few days. She shoo-ed me out of the house, asking me to stall for half an hour so she could clean the house up.

Ridiculous, YES!!

Because the house was already clean but it wasn't good enough for her.

Why must I have such a perfectionist mother?? *sighs over the mess in my room*


I found the flying cockroach after 3 days, dead under the window.

Taught me a lesson to close my windows at all times.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


I am so mengidam-ing A & W since yesterday!!

AAAAAAHHH! *bites fingers plus nails*

Sayang.. or Mal...

Johor or Kuala Lumpur??

Birthday dinner-sssss

A frequent question I have been getting,

"Sue, what present you want for your birthday?"

The every same answer I gave, every single time,

"I don't want presents. Just take me for dinner okay?"

Okay, that should stop the questions coming to me again.

This year, I don't feel very present-y. I feel dinner-y, knowing myself, I love to eat!

So, I only have myself to blame if I have a few more kilos added to my butt. HAHA!

But hey, its the company that counts, not the monetary presents. Its good enough that you guys remember I turn a year older on the date every year.


Saturday, June 06, 2009

I received my pre-birthday presents, without expecting it.

Being Suhaila,

I have a fetish for shoes. A HUGE FETISH!

i would buy shoes, at least 2 pairs per month.


I would seldom wear them.

so we went around Orchard and I went crazy when I look at those shoes.

I wanted them soooo much.

And I know, I had to wait for my pay which is in a week's time.

Looking and looking, more geram and geram,

He said,

"Sayang, just pick one. I'll pay for it."


I went giggling and smiling at myslf, happy at that sentence.

So I went to pick one elegant wedge, which I can wear for work in 3 week's time.

After trying on all those sizes, I saw a pretty slip-ons which was casual and comfy, and he said,

"Sayang.. Just pick what you like. I pay for it."


And now, I have a few additions to the Shoe family.


But since I worry so much about his pocket, I told him,

"Sayang, treat this as my monetary birthday presents okay?

"But I expect something with your personal touch on my birthday, can?"

He was argueing and argueing about it, but as usual, I won. I'm too stubborn, for my own sake.

Its fine that I spend thousands for you, but its not fine for me when you spend don't say thousands, but hundreds for me.

Last year, was a beautiful birthday song at midnight from you. This year?

I'll wait, okay?

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Here it is..


Our outing had a very-basi aftermath, a week later. I received the email at night, and it was a pretty long email that I had to read 135173727862 times over. I mean, why now, after a week!! There was a terrible squabbling between so many people, among 10 of us. Then the surprise came, who was the "Pecah-Tembelang-er". I was more surprised, of all people. The quiet and nice one, with the story of lots of exaggeration.

Now, everything is fine between us, besides the "Pecah-Tembelang-er". When school re-opens, I tell you, we are going to be famous and things are going to change into an awkward, weird situation. Unlike me, some are unwilling to forgive and forget.


We bestfriends planned days before to meet before she went to work. So knowing that, he decided to come along. He pleaded with me,

"Please tanye Mal. I know she may mind, but no harm asking what. Please, please."

Silly us made a bet whether Mal would mind him tagging along and thanks eh bestfriend! You made me lost that bet. So we pick her up and went bowling at Kallang. The duo was trying so hard to teach and make me throw the ball straight through the whiteandblackthings but it always end up in the pit. Why do I always play with the best of the best?!?! Mal and Him was challenging scores with STRIKES, SPARES and TURKEYS! Mal, I think your "bowling skips" work wonders! hehehe.

A trip down to Parkway for Pastamania before she goes off to work. And 26th June eh Mal! Don't forget my 'Jam Dinding' (which I know my present is better than that)!!


I drove on the second day I got my license(Believe me, I still am denial on that). Remember, I ould only drive an auto car. But NO!! I drove a Cheverolet Optra, manual. If you have no idea about this car, its an American car where their gears are haywire and the signals are on the right side instead of left. Luckily, I survived the day, with only ONE stall in the middle of a junction. So I was on the hot seat and my boyfriend was the "SIR-besar" for the day. Remind me, next time when I am driving, to put him inside the bonnet. Because he went (screams actually),

"Sayang, you are going to hit the car!" *close his eyes*

"You are killing the suspension!"

"Turn some more, turn some more!!"

"Too near the car, sayang!"


When I get my license, tell me to shove it up in front of his face and tell him I am fine enough to drive.


So, I got a message from Estee yesterday afternoon that our results are out. I, of course, was not prepared for it at all. You see, this semester was a semester of slacks for me, with only 2 lectures per week, in which I attended 1 only for the whole semester. And most of it was assignment-based modules. Science exam was a killer with 100 MCQs and I did not study for the paper, instead I was entertaining temporarycacat Fid with her plans. So with that, I was freaked out!! I took 15 minutes to calm myself down in front of the computer. And..


An A and the rest, Bssss...

Surprised? Yes! I can only offer thanks and praises to God. alhamdullillah.

Macam nie, next semester tak belajar pun boleh pass ah. haha.

Monday, June 01, 2009


I have so many things to blog about!


the outing I labelled as: The case of the EX and the BESTFRIENDS

The DRIVE of the first


The EXPO expediture



all updated soon!!