Saturday, September 27, 2008

I am a very happy and proud girlfriend today!

Finally, after a month of waiting, he has received his first paycheck!!

As a post of an engineer.

And after all that waiting,

Me being that good girl like I have always been,

Has been nagging at him to do all the neccessary stuff.

*nag nag* give your parents

*nag nag* give your brothers

*nag nag* treat your family dinner

*nag nag* give alms to the mosque

*nag nag* give me my treat

*nag nag* pay all your debts, bills, etc

and many, many more!

The catch phrase is, "You tak buat nie sume, duit tu tak dapat berkat!"

And of course, like he has promised..

I am getting my duit raya from him!! *big smiles*

And also, I have the assurance that I won't be broke by end of the month.

Because I get my pay in the middle and him, at the end of the month!


I'm the most happiest girl ever! Oops, woman ever!

And I think I am going to be broke by the middle of next month.

I have received my pay much earlier like I expected.

I just knew it.

The same as last year, that early pay difficulty.
I want to know about things.

Things I am unable to understand.

I mean, is it very hard to make me understand how everything goes.

Then we can do it together?

Isn't more mean that you just snap me off like that?

I know you are a guy and in that "I-know-more-than-you" mindset.

Still, why can't you make me understand.

Give me details I want to know.

That is 2 days in a row already.

I'm just hating that you keep snapping me off like that.

And with that ignorance that you won't make me understand, I will find out and enquire from others myself.

Friday, September 26, 2008

I have always known that I am bottom heavy.

The buttocks are round-heavy .

Ok, that is very silly to describe myself.

And I'm not liking it, never liked it that I would just snap it away from my mind.

But people will always check me out and talk about it.

My nenek say, "Your butt so big. You have the Bengali butt!"

Ayah Taib (boyfriend's father) say, " Her hips are very biggy the wide. Must know how to take care and maintain it"

Mama say, "I don't know whose genes you follow. Still not married but bottom so big."

I get that like... ALOT!!

Then, now it's my brother.

"Long, your body so small but your hips so big ah. Hahaha!!"

Oh brother! Thank you so much for laughing out loud that I have a inproportionate body.

But, but..

the only words of comforts from my boyfriend:

"Don't worry too much. Women with big hips won't have much difficulty delivering babies."

All for the easiness of the future, I say.

And people, anyone willing to share your E-book with me??

I need a bloody sample.

Why didn't that Sadako lecturer post it in the Blackboard??

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Termed as the ugly post..

The ugly pictures of the room makeover.

The buruk pictures!

He said, "Go and bathe! Muka busuk, macam belum mandi"

I replied, "U are busuk. Bacin plk tu."

And I think I know why he said that looking from the pictures.

The pyjamas and the hair.

I didn't get my lollipop!

The apek say, "Sori ah.. The towkay say, Out of stock nyah."

After that sleep he had, he went to shower. But instead of using the shampoo to shampoo his hair, he use the soap to shampoo his hair.

Why, I asked.

"You didn't tell me I could use the shampoo, just the soap u said."

Haha! Sungguh dengar kate he is.

And after all that hard work, and must thanks my mother for the lovely buka spread,

without deodorant and perfume, with just trek pants and a jersey,

Off we went to tampines mall to catch Mirrors.

And of course, I slept peacefully.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I got a message from Marlon yesterday, out of the sudden..

Terrible, sad news..

I mean, the only way I know how he is, is through her blog.

Simply because he is way out of the blogsphere, a long time ago..

I mean, I have a feud with her, really a long time back..

But somehow, I feel so sad reading her blog. She felt left alone, casted aside and just not loved.

What makes it worst was her drawings. Yes, her drawings.

And seeing her in school, alone without company.

Yes!! I see her in school sometimes. The first time I saw her, I was like, "Fuck! I see some bitch I hate."

Then, reading her blog, it made me softened whenever I see her in school.

But my feelings aside, the happiness of my loved one is what that matters.

And I am sure he will make the right decisions in time to come.

On a much, much brighter note, my Room Makeover Day is today!!! It starts exactly in 8 hours time. Ya hoooo!!!

Don't worry, pictures will be up pretty soon!

And girls, whoever said my boyfriend was cute?? *vomits in a big paper bag*

Because apparently he is not. Haha!

He is just sweet and nice, that's all.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The first kuih raya which I made for the year..


Cocoa white coklat!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I know there is like I think 20 minutes more to midnight.

But I'm kinda feeling sleepy.

I've never told any of my friends, even the closest what happened between us that we ended up as we are now.

We started out almost 2 years ago as very normal friends, then it started as two friends sharing each other sorrows in relationship to us, being listeners to each other then, it started as 2 very best friends and as for me, a 'girlfriend' which I never had.

We spent loads of time with each other, shopping together, drink coffee together and even talking on the phone till the wee hours. He would come over to my place to send me my supper, which was my Roti John from Simpang Bedok and I would wait for him outside his camp, which was at Seletar so that we could eat at Jalan Kayu for supper too. I remember I waited 2 hours outside his camp. I even accompanied him on the phone when he was left alone in the forest for his training. He also ended as a pillar of strength for my previous almost-broken relationship at that point of time. And mind you, the guy from the previous relationship was his very good friend.

Then, after all that has been done, the emotions of feelings and confusion between us appeared. We started missing each other, going out more and caring for each other more. Between both of us, none wanted to share our inner feelings for almost a month or two, until...

I opened up a conversation on the topic of.. US..

We spend almost 3 hours discussing on what we should do, should we continue meeting each other because in our opinions, we were too much into our emotions. And instead of thinking of our feelings, we thought about others. Our best friends. You see, if you don't know, my ex-boyfriend is his good friend, and his ex-girlfriend is my best friend. None of us wanted to lose our best friends. We even considered taking steps backs, and not frontal steps.

But after much consideration, US happened on that very day.

I always thought to myself that US would never last long because I always thought Azri and me were just made each other. And my previous relationships always ended a month or two before I go back to Azri. I mean, it had happened twice and we lasted for 5 years. So, it was a mindset that I have.

That's why, if you had not realised, I don't talk about him much for the first 2 months.

But somehow, sometime, I was made to believe that this one was not a pit stop for me. He was someone meaningful to me. Someone whom I need to be near with. Someone I could probably love and care about.

I mean, I've always asked myself, what love was.

But in this one, if kissing me on the forehead or the nose, saying I love you on the phone could give me goosebumps or flutters through my stomach, If you call it love. Yes, maybe I am in love.

Someone enlighten me please!

Anyhow, anyways, US ended up together and hopefully for long days, months, years to come..

And knowing me, I have never bothered with months, just the years..

But just this once, I am proud to be here, during this month, this date, saying..

HAPPY 4th MONTHS, Sayang..

Thank you for being there for me.

My room will be painted, my new bed frame will be fixed and cupboard arrangement will be changed.

and IKEA for some lovely stickers and some rak-rak that I need to get, provided that my boyfriend's shift does not clash with my plans. If not, let's just scrape the IKEA and go on with the "mengecat bilik"!

And mind you, the painting will not be done by me. I only have to sit down like a big fat queen and he will do all the work.


And Sayang!!! *omg*

the colour I want is...

*jeng, jeng jeng*


Lawa kan?? I just love the colour, thanks to Erma's blog and Fid's blog too. It looks good on the room so..

Might as well try it and see how it looks on my room..


Ok, back to my Hindustan.

Friday, September 19, 2008

I want to cry..

Can I??

My mind is wandering off again.

When it obviously should not.

I miss him already.

Monday, September 15, 2008

He is mad because I load ugly photos of him.

He is mad when I walk very slowly.

He is mad when I wear stuff which are unnecessary.

He is mad when I speak without an 'alas' below.

He is mad when he is not happy about something.

Tell me, what else you can be mad about.

Hey you, don't bother thinking. I will give you the answer.

You can be mad about..



PS: In times like this, I can grow silly just typing nonsensical, illogical things..

I'm feeling very crappy now due to my ICT assignment.

The IWB software is killing me.

Why can't it be as easy as using it while I was doing contract.

Now the designing is sungguh tedious nak mamps!

And I'm feeling so bad..

He has to wait for me almost every night till wee hours.

Before he goes to bed.

I need less assignments please and more talk time.

Geylang tomorrow for his baju kurungs!

And yes people, I love chubby guys!


Saturday, September 13, 2008

The night before.. with them.

Heartbreaks, laughs, reminisce of the ITE days..

Being the odd one out,

I had the biggest tummy aching laugh, just listening.

And I met my Hafidzah..


And I've never seen him laugh like that yesterday.

He looks... happy in a different way.

Arab, I didn't know he was even like that. I prefer him much better now than back then.

The part about concealer on his 'tear' was sungguh funny.

And us four, Bangkok in March.

Just waiting for the guys to be stabilised in their jobs and helo, Thailand!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

sings "Early in the morning at 9 o'clock, Suhaila and her boyfriend went to the bank."

Yes, both of us went to the bank and applied for something.

Something very major and then it hit me.

Ok, this is real. He is not joking at all.

He is planning and thinking far.

When all this while, I have thoughts of this but I always snap it aside, thinking its not the right time yet.

Or I would just hate talking and thinking about it, because of the time frame.

So, today was just a major realisation.

I had my doubts even the Financial Advisor could sense it and assure me over and over again.

Maybe it is good in a way.

Actually, with him, things are always good.


So lets just hope everything goes well and I still have not gone through the papers yet.

Still recovering from things.

As always.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

It's been funny, how tak tau malu this boy can be..

haha.. I tell you, luckily my mother adores you, everything ...

Except the part when she calls you "itik yg terkedek-kedek"


Sungguh funny!!

So when I say tk tau malu, "thick-skinned", it's been many days since Puasa that he comes to my place after his work, just to...

EAT!! yes, makan..

And the part where Mama keeps food aside for him, even fish which she knows he hates.

Oh sunnguh manja..

"Panas kan mee tu untuk Mun, ah goreng kan telur mata lembu taruh atas.."

And where is Mama when she say it?

On the bed, off to bed..

Wait, why should I listen?? Why should I do that for him??

Banyak cantik muka dia..

So today was the same thing, I picked him up from work and we bought goreng pisang plus our favourite, cheese hotdogs..

And off to my place..

And kite MAKAN!!

And I find it so pathetic that I have to buka on the train on my way back home from school..

If only my kakis live near me, but no.. they live near school..

Monday, September 08, 2008

I promise myself to be happy no matter what happens.

So no matter what happens after this, I will be happy, trying my best.

p.s: I threw my my temporary phone and it broke!! So please kol my house if there is a need to get hold of me ok?? *smiles*

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Hello.... is it me you're looking for... *sings to lionel ritchie*

ok, sungguh aku nie merepek skrg..

this is what happens when assignment take too much of your time and space and most or maybe all of your brains.


And to all those who said NIE was a honeymoon, I feel like killing all of you because you had convinced me of the otherwise.


If only academic dishonesty was allowed.

haha.. Dream on.. If that was allowed, there wouldn't even be the dishonesty there.

If you get what I'm saying.

Luckily tomorrow, I get a day off or actually 2 from all these..

My date with Muntazir and Muzaffar.


Those brothers.. sungguh cute.. in character, not in person la.

And sunday would be the Avril Lavigne concert.. Don't even ask me why I am going ok??

Ask my abang sedare.

I had enough of him lecturing me until my ears have gone bonkers.

Bulan puasa *nag nag nag* cari dosa *nag nag nag* terawih *nag nag nag* tak cari pahala *nag nag nag* suka *nag nag nag* mama marah *nag nag nag* tak dgr *nag nag nag*

U get the jiff of it kan??

That lecture was given after my mom's..

I tell you, if you put my mother and him in 1 house, rumah tu boleh bomb!!

Like he said, "Mama and I ade telepathy la."

Macam paham je.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I know I should be asleep by now, but here I am, hearing him blabbering to me on the phone while typing.

So if you think I'm always complaining, he too does it at times. And when it comes, it's worse than mine..

Complaining that his back is hurting la, I need a massage la, I'm very tired la, I'm very sleepy la, etc.

"You practically have less or no work these few days. How can you be tired??"

"I'm tired of sitting down, facing the computer la, and tired of no work at all.. So now, my back is painful."

Then what he did or said after that,

*complains like a baby* "SYG!!! Badan I sakit!!!"

The next sentence, "K la you. Bye2. I want to sleep. Muacks." *puts down phone*

Times like this, I just keep quiet and listen.

He will just stop talking by himself..

I guess guys too have their moments like that.

Ok, back to assignments now..


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Thank you for being that guy who is always so attentive.

Thank you for being that guy who always pamper me as if I was a royal princess. (don't laugh ok?)

Thank you for being that strict guy as and when there is a need to, even though I don't like it.

Thank you for always being there for me whenever I need you, ever since we were really good friends.

Thank you for also taking this big step with me, even though we know there is a risk to it.

Thank you for just being you.

You are truly appreciated.

I won't mention names but I'm sure you know who you are. *smiles gleefully*

Monday, September 01, 2008

After a few days of emotionally unstable, I'm back!!!

"Stop being cranky with me ok??", he said.

Haha!! Please eh, I am cranky because of things. And since I cannot vent my anger on things, so I did it on you.. Haha!!

So basically, I just had my wake up call this morning that I.....

have my 1000-word Ed-Psych essay to finish by next MONDAY!! AAAHHH!!!!

I don't know how I am going to handle that.

And I still have my Vygotsky thing to be handed in tomorrow.

Urgghh!!! I told you I am not adapting well to school life..

Blame it on the weekend!! Suhaila, you must really curb your weekends!

Talking about weekends, I finally get to watch 4bia.

That show really gave me the chills that after sahur, I was still imagining it in my head..

Especially that last story.

Ok, got to go now. School starts in exactly 1 hr which I basically have skipped for 3 times.. *prays they won't take attendance*

so I'm just relaxing at home till my 2.30 Ed-Psych class..

bye, bye!!

And everyone, Selamat Berpuasa pada bulan Ramadan ini.