Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I got a message from Marlon yesterday, out of the sudden..

Terrible, sad news..

I mean, the only way I know how he is, is through her blog.

Simply because he is way out of the blogsphere, a long time ago..

I mean, I have a feud with her, really a long time back..

But somehow, I feel so sad reading her blog. She felt left alone, casted aside and just not loved.

What makes it worst was her drawings. Yes, her drawings.

And seeing her in school, alone without company.

Yes!! I see her in school sometimes. The first time I saw her, I was like, "Fuck! I see some bitch I hate."

Then, reading her blog, it made me softened whenever I see her in school.

But my feelings aside, the happiness of my loved one is what that matters.

And I am sure he will make the right decisions in time to come.

On a much, much brighter note, my Room Makeover Day is today!!! It starts exactly in 8 hours time. Ya hoooo!!!

Don't worry, pictures will be up pretty soon!

And girls, whoever said my boyfriend was cute?? *vomits in a big paper bag*

Because apparently he is not. Haha!

He is just sweet and nice, that's all.