Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Goodness!! I feel like I’m so out and lost touch with my school work. I know I have 2 tests next week but I DON’T KNOW WHEN AND WHAT IS COMING OUT!! I need serious HELP!! To my fellow classmates, why won’t you people reply to my sms-es?? Sheesh!!!

Now, tell me... all that I need and want to know..

When is EBM test and what chapters are coming out??

When is WSP test?? I know the test is based on the whole book.
(I need serious revision for this!!)

And is MD & MAT lab test this Monday or next Monday?? *scratches head in doubt*

I need copies of WSP and EBM formal reports!! Badly!! The results section, discussion and conclusion, Na da!! I’m awfully stuck up to my neck and dead!! That’s the problem when you did your experiment like eons ago and start doing your reports eons later. You totally forget everything!! Ohh, ohh... I need pics from WSP experiment. Who has it, please pass it to me. Thanks!!

I have EBM presentation next week and I totally forgot about it until just now morning at 5 am!! Yes, I slept like 6 am just now. Insomnia fever these days… So, to my fellow groupies, passing2 my info by Friday, aite?? And PB/JB, I know you have the DCP guys chalet, if it’s still on, if I’m not wrong too, this week, SO SEND ME ASAP BY WEEKENDS!! Thanks darlinks!!

And I need someone to teach me how to apply for my advanced dip course!!! There is like 7 forms to fill, and I’m awfully stuck after the 4th or 5th form.. HELP!!

I don’t need fireman, policeman or a doctor coming to my rescue. I Just Need a Kind Soul!!

Oh, btw... Exams schedule are out and I’m so pissed that C&AT is first!! That is like the easiest of the 4 mods. “Open the book, memo everything and within 3 days, that is done!!” I wanted my engineering module to be first because that is the most tedious but Na da!! It’s the 3rd one. But at least I have 4 days for the paper to prepare. So thank God for that!!

Oh one more thing, sorry for the late entry but…

HAPPY 20th to GD!!
Ok, I feel so young that you are 20 now, because I’m still 19!! Keke…
It’s been great knowing you through these semesters. I will never forget the days of sufferings we had during our ITP but, but... We know that we tried and had funnessss during those weeks. Best wishes to you and all the best in your future endeavours. Never lost touch, okies pokies??? *Loves*