Sunday, March 11, 2007

Today was very hectic and so kecoh la!!

And, and day at work was very tiring!! Tiring nak mampus!! And, and, dammit!! I’m gonna open counter soons and I hate2 it a lot!! And, and.. All my ex-3 Department Head, Asst. Department Head plus my supervisor are all my Department Head, Asst Department Head and supervisor!! Stress tak?? Dah kene blacklisted!! But, but.. colleagues are so loves la!! So the peramah, so the sayang and so the fun la!! Can’t wait for the opening!!

Mr Pendek-Belo has been so nice and sweet today. As per normal, macam tak biase je kan.. And, and… I just love you lah for the company!! And thanks for the night lah!!

Thanks for the laughters, tks for the choc ice blend incident, which is so kekek to the maximus nye, tks for the bugis trip and tks for the bus ride company!!

One lovely night…

oh, this goes to Mr Pendek-Belo,

I'm sorry for the ungkit2 about the "friend" thing and yes, yes, I am naggy but its for your own good la!! And whatever we talked about just now, the unworthiness and all those stuff, I am scared of all those. And I'm so scared to move ahead due to some bad experiences. Its been a year we have known each other but somehow, there is still some gap somewhere, sumhow. So lets just take things slow till I am ready for the next step. But I feel so secured with the promise you made just now and I feel so touched sampai tersedu-sedu saya. So, anyways,no matter what, I do love you, like always!!