Monday, March 12, 2007

Freak alright!!

I did not play with your feelings!! You did!! You just didn’t know how to take care of my feeling/my heart!! You didn’t choose your words properly on me!! You scolded me lots of names and lots of stuff. Which girl can stand all that, when the guy she loved say all that to her?? That’s so inappropriate and disrespectful. You look down on women and that’s the problem with you. And you want to find true love, the sweet and pretty??? Check yourself out first. Respect a woman like they deserved to then!

And OMG!! Stop lying!! You did contact your ex when you were with me. And you lied to me when you met her. You met her behind my back!! Remember 11 to 2 am, you guys hanged out with her?? And you lied to me, you were working OT!! At least, when I went out with Azri, I told you!! I didn’t lie. Sekeping can be my witness, alright?? I always went to Sekeping when I had all these problems, because I trusted him and he helped. So you can’t spin the story the other way. It’s wrong!!

And Pendek never said to you, “we were gonna be attached, so please don disturb sue again.” He never said that!! Both of us had the same story. We both said, “We are just friends.” And that is basically what we are for the past 1 year, alright?!?! So you don’t make up some story and blab it all!!

And now, you want to discipline yourself to hate me?? WTH!! And what, you miss me that is why you irritate me?? That is bullshit!!

And even though we broke up, we still spoke to each other ok?? I never never want to speak to you, I never did that!!

OMG!! These are just lies!! And I admit I was in the wrong too. I won’t shrink my responsibilities. And yes, I’m still hurt, damnit, FYI!!!

*letting off steam to the maximus*