Tuesday, December 04, 2007

woohoo!! I think I am going to have 2 topics today.. First is about my weekend, which was totally so oveeeer, and the kutuk part. I think I will do the kutuk part once a week. That might help me to keep my laser mouth down when I am around people. hehe.

I started my weekend night with asking Azri over and meet my sister's boy friend for dinner. Which she invited home last minute. Hehe. My mother was screaming for help because the house was a mess. And I don't like him. One, he is from Johor. Two, he is a Mat. Three, Muka die step je. Four, he smokes. Five, he likes to flaunt his wealth and his car. Oh please eh, you are from Malaysia and you work in Singapore. You bring your salary home, its double the value in ringgit malaysia right? So in other words, you are just simply cheap la!!

Azri was complaining, "Dia tu bkn melayu kepe?? Dah tau adat sopan ke? Dah tak tau salam sesama umat??" He was fuming mad!! hahah.

The start of the weekends, we went to the zoo!! yes, yes. We went to the zoo!! I was like one little happy kid who was simply in awe with the animals.

I saw the white tiger, the leopard, the cheetah, my lookalike-pygmy hippo, the orang utan, and the lemur!! Who watch zaboomafoo, will know what a lemur is. And the elephants!! I wanted to ride the elephants, but he didn't let me. He said, it was smelly and I will be smelly too. tsk, tsk

I was playing and clicking the camera, He was the informative guy who went around looking at the boards on the info of the animals instead of viewing the animals. Sheesh!

I saw the one that I came for, the Himalayas baboons. And we finally get to see the polar bear in the water playing with the ball!! Aaahh!! oh, sunnguh memuaskan la pergi zoo.

Oohh!! I wanted to see the monkeys at the next showcase, then Azri closed my eyes and pulled me away, he said,

"Jgn tgk! Monyet tu tengah buat 69." nyehahaha.

And of all places, I met my friends which I haven't met in a loooong time, at the ZOO.

I also went to Tuty's wedding. She looks sooo Oh-pretty!! With the red and gold pelamin, the colourful decoration, oh-so-sungguh-lawa-la!!

Then I was off to Kak Azlin's daughter's birthday party. Little miss Syarafana Zakirah. 3 years old and sungguh cute! And sungguh best and gereks catching up with budak2 Giant ku. Fuddin, Nazirah, Kak Wiyarti, Dayang Siliwangi Ramayani(hahah! that is her real name, no joke.), Nek Ma and Miss Handsome. Oh, saya sungguh rindu awak semua!!

Now the opinion/kutuk part..

You know how it feels when we girls go out and the boyfriends just keep calling us as early as 9 pm asking us to go back home?? Do you girls hate it?? I DO!!!

I know we are girls but do us girls also entitled to the right to have fun with their friends? And boyfriends, please don't give us the crap of anak-dara-tak-bagus-tak-manis-balik-lewat-malam. It is totally crap for girls like me.

If I was the minah type girlfriend, you can use that reasoning with me. But I am a nice, tall lady who knows how to take care of herself and am not the kind to do silly things in the late night. And also, don't give us girls the crap that reason being status-of-men-is-higher-than-status-of-women-so-respect-us-men. Urghh!! Let me try to clean that misperception, you little religion-idiot men. That status-of-men-is-higher-than-status-of-women-so-respect-us-men works and only applies when you are MARRIED. If you are not married, forget about it! Jangan nak feeling 'married' like all those you see on friendster where they put their status 'married'. Feeling lah tu kan.

And boyfriends who expect their girlfriends to salam them, that is totally rubbish, unless you are M&M-es, that would be an exception because they are totally merepek in their routines. All this salam-menyalam thing is already considered wrong, because you two are not totally related to each other!! Kalau dah tunang, understand la. But a couple, urghh!! I am freakishly in goose pimples.

At the zoo,

Birthday Party,