You going NS lerr... Haiz..
One down, 2 more to go... And my Superheroes will be spread to other parts of the world, i mean, Singapore and I will miss them..
But, but.. on the bright side..
By spreading to other parts, means our powers wil be used for the good of others often.
Ok, fine, whatever, I'm CRAPPING!!!
So Superman, you take care, go serve the country, always think of me, oh, me ONLY, and go get more hunky k... I see you at the month, when you book out ok!!
And, and.. Kwakwa!! don't drop your soap often k?? hehe
Bye, bye!!
I love you so much!! And don't worry ah, when u POP, I will be there.. so will the others..
And thanks for all the support, the shoulders, the memories and the years together.
And I will always remember that time, you held my hand tightly, when I was frightened during our adventure at OCH. Hahaha!!
Take care!!