Sunday, July 22, 2007

It seems like woziji.blogspot and gorblok.blogspot and wohuihaohaoguo.blogspot is dead at the moment. Hmm..

And Elektra!! i think I know why "boyfriend" hasn't replied us yet. The reason being: You are not allowed to bring chargers to camp!!

And Iceboy!! You are just simply cute ok?? And all the best with that gerl of yours.. Teehee!! And you are starting Uni term next week. All the best too!! And jiayou!! You know, i know ah huh.. And better make that lunch quick?? Look who's planning man!

I know, I'm having loads of negative thoughts about loads of stuff in my life. Let me tell, there is no other way of thinking positive when you have had so much failure. All the bad experiences somehow just get to you.

And boy, you know I don't wish to lose you again. But let's just take it slow. It may work out as we want to.

To my one and only Din, Fadilah and Saihah, I know I was being very irresponsible today. But I had such a lousy and hectic day that I just couldn't make it. I promise I will make it up to you alright?? Next week lunch, I pay!!

Din!! I love you to death!! No words can describe what you did. *hugs* I promise you will get your treat. I will personally come down to NYP and treat you like a prince for the day!

Huda!! Alamak beb!! Mana kamu si?? Tak balas msg2 saya?? Beep me tmr and meet up on Monday aite??

Ok, toodles!!