Monday, June 25, 2007


hehe.. So if you people have been reading properly and actually counting down, you should know what day was today..

And yes, yes.. Can I say out all my loves and hearts to my SHF???


Tks for spending my birthday hour, for Popeyes, and for Fantastic Four. And thanks to Jon and Jb for chaffeuring me home.

And that birthday song on the bus, it was embarassing but it was sweeeet, coming from you guys!!

And, and.. Tks for the Hongbao!! I can buy myself a beautiful dress!!

And to Azri, tks for accompanying me at the wee hours of my bday and lending me your shoulder when I needed it. And sacrificing your sleep just to layan my karenahs. I know I smell and I can't express much thanks to you. *hugs*

And boy, better get those specs fixed! Instead of crying, you made me laugh!! hehe

To those who wished me, even those I thought who wouldn't remember, A big THANKS!!! *hugs and kisses* and sori i didn't reply!! *90 degrees bow*

I had a almost flat battery and no prepaid left!! I know, what a coincidence!!

And after all that happened, at least when the clock strucks midnight, I smiled to my hearts' content. And thanks, it did made my day bcos you are the first. Bcause least I know you remember and cared. *drops a tear*