Saturday, August 26, 2006


today nah, today nah... i spend my day with my dearest, dearest and cutest and sweetest (but not as sweet as me.. hehe) boyfren of mine.. the real one.. not my 2nd or 3rd.. hehek.. AT LAST, I KNOW!!! im sorry if i neglected you and spend more time with my friends.. SORRY!!*90 degrees bow*

First stop, FOOD CULTURE!! i miss my chicken hor fun and he misses his ban mian.. so syiok!! after which, we made an impromptu decision to Pasir Ris Park. Spent the whole day there!! To SHF, I CONQUERED THE SPIDER WEB!! no need to wait for u all, hhmph... Den sat by the beach, where we were playing a fool and mengutuk orang.. hehe.. Plus i put glittery lip gloss on Azri's lips. So nice!! haha.. he was tasting the gloss and you should have seen his face.. (Dee, die ckp kau giler.. rasa2 gloss sedap..)

Plus my mouth was like a train for the whole day.. non-stop seh.. Know what that guy did?? HE FARTED AT MY FACE!! DISGUSTING!!! GRR.. believe me, i was quiet after that.. luckily there was no smell.. or i would have fainted.

At the end of the day, he said, "thanks for spending the day with me!!" and kissed my forehead.. Cair lah.. haha.. Y? one, he never ever said thank you before when we go out together.. n usually, he does not give me a flutter-kiss-on-the-forehead to sum the day up.. Plus we did not quarrel the whole day.. AHHH!! Sweet okay?? haha.. So now, im like all smiles!! *grins*

niways, it was much funs!!!!!!! love, love u.. MUACKS!!

fOoD cuLture

trYin tO be cHeekY


bY thE sEA, MakaN aNgIn

CRANKY!!!tHoSe The lIp gLossY lIps!!