Saturday, September 29, 2007
Today will be the last day I will jejak Geylang in the month of Ramadan!!
I'm so sick of going there, when there is so many people, filled mostly with all the M&M-es!!
And yes, I saw that Minah Rep-ist finally!!
And please eh, even though I have only seen her in friendster, I would recognise her anywhere. I'm so sad that you didn't see her but I did!! *Haiyak, haiyak, haiyak!!*
And it was so hot and stuffy la!! Kate Geylang kan..
If only Bazaar Geylang had feedback forms for customers, I would suggest they put lots of ceiling fans with high power at the top of the bazaar!! I would be most thankful!!
And seeing my students at the bazaar, no no no good!! "Miss Suhaila!!"
Oh please.. *smack head*
Childrens' Day was a killer man!!
Gamelan was a success! Thanks to Mr Khamis and his lovely disciple, Shaik!! After 3 weeks and only 6 practices, we teachers did well!! Huahua!!
I will never dance to High School Musical on stage!! Never, never, never, ever!
Because I was cheerio and happy, and that may lose a bit of my management in class! Especially 4/5!
I get 10 yrs older, whenever I enter that class. *searching for my SKII*
I'm going seberang tambak tomorrow!! Woohoo!!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
And I think its time for another crap update of mine!
(My P5 student say whatever I write in here is crap!! haha, very funny my dear..)
School has been busy but.... gereks!
Except for a few very bad experiences yesterday!
I'm still just connecting with my P4-es!!
I think, they are just plain.. mischievious.
Is this how u spell it?? I know, embarassing.. An English Teacher who do not know how to spell mischievious. Sheesh!!
My P3 and 2 are very cute!
One P3 kid,
"Are you fasting today??"
"Saya puasa tapi saya dah buka. (Time: 11.30am)."
Another P3 kid answered,
"Nari saya tak puasa, besok saya puasa."
Next day,
"Are you fasting today, Danish??"
He gave me the same answer. Today not fasting, tomorrow will do..
Haha!! Very cute!!
My P5-es were taught 8-point compass today. So as a group work, they are asked to come out with the directions as they command and a volunteer will come out.
So there is this group,
"90 degrees clockwise, 90 degrees anti-clockwise, take 3 steps, face south........"
And I was wondering, why they are making him walk out of the classroom..
Little did I know, they were giving him directions to the boys' toilet..
Haha!! *smacks forehead*
And another was being funny.
"Nee Jian, where are the books??"
"45 degrees clockwise, take 5 steps, 45 degrees anticlockwise."
Ah, very good! I, as the teacher took it positively. As least I know they understood the topic.
And its the first time, I smack the white board with the duster to make the class shut. And I hit it hard! What do you expect, my blood was boiling. And using Dillion's trick, I actually (I still can't believe I did it!) took my marker and aim it at my P4, but it was just to scare him. Imagine if it hit him!! I think I will lose my job. Pfft!
And Its children's day on Friday!!! *sings "together, together, together everyone!"*
I can't wait!!! And yes, I will be smacking my bonang hard!! I will make sure of it!
*banging my head hard*
Thursday, September 20, 2007
After 3 days of working and staying back in school until 6 to finish up my work, I am in serious fatigue!
I was actually the first teacher to cabut after school ended!
I didnt even bother to sign out, I just grab my bag, my marking papers and zoomed out of the school quickly. I wasn't even planning to stay behind.
No no, not today!!
Just heck that teachers' sharing session! I'm tired enough!
Now, I can feel the kestressan of a teacher's life. And, the thing is, I am only holding half of the workload!
I wonder, how I will cope next year, being solo! No mentor, no help, just all on my own!
Monday, I had lessons from 7.30am to 1.30, with only half an hour of break. 11 teachers were absent, so basically, all teachers had to do relief!! And since my Monday timetable was so not hectic, I get all the relief, mostly! At 2pm, I had remedial!! Mathematics, with my comedic-wannabes! Until 3.30 pm, but due to some behaviourial problems, I released them at 3.45pm.
My day doesnt end there! I had netball practice, with my girls at 3.30pm but eventually, I was late! Luckily, my girls did all their warm up first while waiting for me. It was netball playing for an hour and half, until 5pm.
When you think it ends there, hahaha, you are wrong! I still had to mark my papers, print out this and that, photocopy this and that! *smacks forehead*
Until eventually around 6pm, I had Azri picked me up from school and off to Geylang for our buka puasa.
Tuesday was another busy day. I had my 3 periods with all my 3 classes, which seems very, very draggy!
After which I was doing my lesson preparation and planning, and finding teachers and settling all admin stuff, my Maths room exploring. And guess what?? I went home at 4pm.. By that time, I was... Bleak!! Mentally stressed out!
Yesterday was more of a torture!!
Lesson observation was pretty ok! I was so mentally, physically and emotionally prepared that I skipped two periods of English. (I had someone took over my class actually..)
After which, I had CT. It was soooooooooo draggy and long!! We started at 1.30pm, with the SmartBoard workshop, the it was the Learning centre, and by 4.30pm, it hasn't even ended. But we left earlier, for gamelan practice. I heard CT ended almost at 5pm.
And yes, Gamelan!! We ended practice almost at 6pm. So I was basically tired out after that. I went home, I still had to prepare those lessons, do some sourcing around, tesselate here and there. Haiz.
And mind you, Next week will be an addition. The rehearsals and my high school musical practice plus another observation. Can I cry now??
But as consolation, as least today and tomorrow, I will not be busy. In fact I had 3 hrs of free periods just now.
Just an hour of relief, and mind you, the Primary 3-s are very cute! I came in to class, basically half of them were crying.
They failed their English test! My favourite boy, Chacha, was crying for the first time. I took a while to console him.
"Chacha.. don't cry ok. Try harder for your exams. Nari chacha puase kan?? Kalo nangis batal tau puase. Nanti kene ganti puase."
"Chacha tak nak ganti puasa..." *wipes tears and smile weakly*
That boy, I know, very cute!!!
Things children do, which tickles me and adore them more...
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Stuff and brg2 of mine! I know, very purple..
There he is, folding those clothes of him, quietly.
He makes a good house helper. Takers??
This I gave to him on March 2004. *counts* Yes, 3 long years!!
This I must cerita!! This is exactly what he wore on the first time we went out. Our first date, which was 27th July 2003.
I know, haha.. Very kental back then!!
Guess where we went in that?? Library and Town!! Let me emphasize, Town!!
The very kentalic us!!
(I told you I look haggard and older by 10 years!)
Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa kepada semua my sedara-sedara islam , sincere dari saya and keluarga. Semoga pahala awak2 semua bertambah berkali-kali ganda.
I think that was the most common thing I read and heard and see and say today. I received almost a dozen of "Selamat berpuasa" msges from friends and families and colleagues.
See my tag board!! Fuddin too.. (I swear, I was thinking about you after buka, thinking what you were doing and blahblahblah, and there you were tagging on my blog!)
My first day of puasa hasn't been a good one. I admit it, I was tired and thirsty on that first day.
I think, it wasn't that sempurna la my puasa today.
I had 5 periods with that freaking class, which I now officially hate (and I pray soooo hard, i'm not getting that class next year!! eek!).
My ears were not clean (I had lots of 'cibai-s' going in my ears.) *sensored*
My blood was boiling up (marah2 bulan puasa is just no gooood!)
And my speech is no good either! (I have been shouting at the class for whole of those periods.)
And I am very tired!! (I went up and down the stairs countless times, when until finally I gave up. I took the lift.)
And today, I realised when you think your problem is worst, the children there go through more than us.
Sometimes, it just take a bit of concern from the teachers to help the children open up to us. And from there, you can see the difference from their lives and ours.
It was a real eye opener and ear opener for me.
Monday, September 10, 2007
I am so freaking sorry that I had to slip that born-day of yours inside my teeny brain!! I swear, I remembered it the day before.. (you don't believe me you can ask Sha!!! eeekk!!) *being regretful and sincerely sorry*
And ya, I may say I do miss you.. But you can say, "And you don't even bother to call or meet me up!", right?? I have been pretty lazy and busy lately and I know I haven't met the clan since 24th June, which probably is almost 3 months now.*shame on me*
And I didn't make it for last Saturday outing. *Shame on me again*
I also haven't seen Marlon, since he went into NS and he's gonna POP soon. *Shame on me again, again*
And most probably I'm not meeting you b4 you go in. *How shameful is that!*
But hey, "YOU ARE ALWAYS ON MY MIND, YOU ARE ALWAYS ON MY MIND..." (if you know the tune of the song, sing it la ok..)
Wishing you the best in everything and you are going to camp in... ermmm, in a few days time. So have fun with that!! And just do rememeber, and I promise I will meet you up pretty real soon, for that birthday gift!
And Angela also!! That was way overdue.... *another knock on the head*
Oh, did I write an entry for xiaomei?? *Thinks hard*
That, I am so soorry, but i did give you a midnight msg right??
Ah yes.. RIGHT!!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
That is at Pizza Hut!!
where those girls were gobbling through and menyental the cheese sampai kosong!!
MacDonalds for my McFlurry and Ice Lemon Tea..
Going home...
The loved Best Girlfriends..
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
*throws pillow*
Sheesh!! Then, kwn aku mkn.... *beb, kau mkn benda tak halal. DOSA!*
So the semangat me actually surf to find Botak Jones.
Look, look, see, see..
Beef, beef, beef, beef... Sekali, PORK sausages! tequilas, margaritas, etc.
And I was lamenting and lamenting to Azry about it.
He was like, "Its still tak halal. Pikir2 buat ape??"
Oh sheesh!! That freaking NS policeman..
Keep talking about the utensils and barang2 die to keep his case,
"Its not halal, so don't eat it!"
So after that topic, we were talking about police work, which was fun la!
Interesting and very intrigueing!!
And lorong2 and prostitutes and that pocket book thing..
Sunnguh melecehkan, but it still benefits you la day!
Sometimes, I feel Azry and me are just meant to keep in contact and not destined to meet.
We live in opposite block and I can even see his room from my room window,
But we still don't meet each other.
Since Primary School... Hmm..
Bertahun kan tu???
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Ok, I just hate it when I see girls so tak independent la and soo minta kene tendang!
Handbag nak kene bawak kan..
Like I overheard a couple which sumpah minta ditampar pompan die,
"Sayang, bawakkan beg i... Bag I berat and bahu I sakit la.. "
And please eh, your beg is only so small!!
"Sayang, belikan I makan. I penat la."
No wonder your butt is so big!! Pemalas nk mampus!
Oh Goodness!! *smacks forehead*
Another thing, I'm so not comfortable with tattoos..
I see girls with tattoos of dragons lah, snakes la, abeh at all the inappropriate places.
Do they know that tattoos last for a lifetime?
And it gonna stay with you till you die??
Imagine bile dah tua kerepot and you have tattoos on your body.
And your grandchildren asking you,
"Ape nie nek?? cucu pun nak buat!"
Sheesh!! What a bad example!
Another thing,
I have been wanting to go there to eat but i don know where the hell is it!!
And another thing also, When will HIKMAH 2 finish??
Lembab nak mampus la!!
And kan, who has HIKMAH 3 VCD!!!!
I need to have it!!
*thank you, YOU!!!*
We spent ermm, exactly a $100 there!! *I know, Sentosa, duh!!*
First stop was the jakuns ride to Sentosa, by monorail!!
I swear I was kental like that!
The monorail was swinging from left to right, like as if it was floating on water.
So, imaginations wild, I was scared the monorail was gonna drop to the road below.
But the view kan, wasn't that great after all.
Takde kick la!!
2nd stop!!
The dragon walk !!! (or is it trail??)
I was kind of day dreaming, where I can get married there.
The bells, the deco-es, the aisle, etc.
"Aah!! Dgr2 you nie org christian.. *menjeling mata* "
Yes, Pwoof!! There goes my dreams..
Next up!! Our Favourites of Sentosa, Luge and Skyride!! Oh, very the fun la!!
And Deedee!! I saw Aida werking at the ticket centre for the luge!! hahaks!!
Even though it was raining, kite semangat hujan la!!!
With our helmets and ready to berjuang in the rain,
Jadi jgn tak jadi la!!
And helo mister!! I won the race!!
B&J, plsssssss!!!
Skyride was very the panoramic!!
We were playing a fool, and joking around and playing with each other's slippers..
And I think, we smiled too big for the camera!!
I finally got on to that bridge!!! OMG!!
After 20 years of my big, fat ass life!!
And the animal show, with the saddening stories of the animals,
And the hawk which just flew and swift over my head..
And it was the humans who did the manouvre-ing (not the hawk!) ,
Which basically, burned the biggest hole in our pockets!!!
So people, you should go and try it!!
The simulator was gereks!! The shaking and the effects was more gereks!!
I can tell you, for people who have long hair,
Ermm, you better tie it up..
Or you will have hair swinging haywire.