Saturday, February 17, 2007

To the person I owe too much to, like damn, damn, damn lots… The one who have been supporting/helping me emotionally, physically, motivationally and also, a bit of financially… The only one who was there when I needed a shoulder, a hand or even a listening ear… My best-est of all friends, Muhammad Azri…

Thanks for the company for the past week and helping me out with the stuff and hanging out with me and melayankan all my karenahs and well as, my mum’s. Kwakwa!! And thanks for the listening ear and the hand and the shoulder and the heartaches (hurhurhur) and the laughters and the jokes and all the other stuff you did just to keep me happy… Thank you for supporting me all the way and giving me the space and the concern, even though it hurts. Thanks too for the late nights and the company home and so sorry for not the enough rest and sleep and whatsoever I caused. Oh, oh… And thanks for all the makan places we had and sorry if I intruded in your personal life. No interference intended!! Like you always say, “Suhaila hidup di dunia nie utk menyusahkan Azri je!!” Well, note taken! *winks*

Life does have its twists and turns, ups and downs and likes to play jokes on us. Many obstacles which we have hurdled but not this one. The maximum chances a person can get are second chances but not the third. It’s just not the limit people can reach to. I just want to say, “Treasure your close ones well, for them will they do good to you…”

Mum has been screaming at me for these days!! Must, must learn to stay at home and be a good daughter. No more hotel-living, Sue!! Sheesh…