Anybody miss me much?!?! Ok, I see lots of ppl mimicking the puking action. The one beside me is.. SHEESH!!Well whatever!!
The season of love.. First of all, I feel like kicking the asses of all the couples I saw celebrating Valentines day. Because I am out of love!! Sheesh!! Well, We still got to celebrate Vday and it was such funness plus, plus, plus!!! But before I go to that topic, let me story2 about the few days before that..
On last friday, I had dinner with the family!! Not my family but, but Azri's Family!! The International Family buffet watsoever2.. The one at ermm.. Tampines!! The sharing moments was sokekekthemaximus, with the Cik Amin telling funny2 stories, the Nenek Muda taking all the food just for the sake of taking it, and kak Ayu plus the bf's childish acts!! oh, oh.. And the raw oysters was the funny one!! Me, Azri and Abg Imran was eating it and the Mother just couldn't see it. We had to give signals bile nak telan oyster tu!! Experience eating raw oyster: Hate the stomach!! Bluek!! Muahaha!! Had nice2 times!! Oh, oh.. Tks to Azri and KakAyu for the meal! Its was yumyum!!
Then on Tuesday i went to the Zoo!!! Like Finally.. Hate to tell the story.. Too long!!wait till i get the pictures from Jonny monmon!! aite?!?!
Here comes the favourite part!!
14th of February!! Its our valentines Day!! Which is Friendship Day!! Love, love it!! Days with them were never never a disappointment!! Bowling, Walking and more walking, 3 times havin meals at macDonalds, Epic Movie which was sotheverylameandunrecommended, and Igot to meet NAZ!! after 2 years.. Dah jd kakak ofis dah!!And the time home was funny with the critics.. Naz said,"Oh no!! where Shud I hide the boyfriend?!?!" Muahaha!! Minah Kampung la!! Kwakwak!! tp seriously boyfriend die tak cute!! Sheesh!jahat sue!! mengumpat agi!! So ppl, nice morning, nice afternoon, nice evening and nite!! Ok, first time we spend like the whole day together!!! Loves and kisses!!Looking forward to the Sentosa thing!! will and must work out!!
Ok byes!! Cu ard!! Soons...
The Pix-es, involving Sue, fid, Diana, Lin, Naz, Azri, fathul, Eleh, Khai!! Enjoy!!