Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Him: Deknie suke paranoid ah!

Aah, takpe, lain kali you bilang je la I nie orang nye paranoid ok?

Of course, I have to be paranoid!

If I'm not, and suddenly things happen suddenly, I'm the one at loss what!

Si ge-dey-bab nie!


And sesungguhnye I learnt so much about my ugama today.

I had a minah tudung close friend, a step-alim boyfriend and an Arab descendant friend around me.

The talk about Kiamat, the meaning of kahwin and nikah and haha, jin.

Yes, jin.

Plus an intricate explanation of the guli, which ended with..

"Dosa seh! Tuhan dah kasi, dorang nak modify2.."


Bawah blok, mlm2 buta.

And amazingly, my mum could hear our laughters.

"Memekak je malam2 buta ketawa2."

Mesti ah, with these kind of friends, they make you laugh non-stop la!

And FID!!! Congratulations!! All the best ok??