Friday, August 10, 2007

I guess,

For when my bestfriends are busy working and anniversaries, Gerlfriends sibuk with work and kenduri-es and persandingan pengantin, Gay friend and buddies busy with work and my kolong block khakis are busy shopping and with their other halves,

This is the companionship available made for me.

But fear not, I just love his company!!

He makes me giggle and laugh and say things that tickle my stomach. Sumpah till air mata ku bergenang!

With the "melepak" song, and the "mat sentol" topic, and words that are spicy as chili padi.

Those were the sweetest and precious moments.

So, thanks again..

And don't worry, your dulu-dulu crusher-es say you look pretty, bald headed. Teehee..

Those little times, how they still make you blush..