Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ever listen to a song and it makes you think of someone?

Well, i do.. A sudden realisation just now while listening to a few songs. Its seems funny that how a song can trigger the thoughts of someone so suddenly. keke

For an example, listening to the 'Hurt', im reminded of Shah's irritated face and the rhythm to 'All My Life' by K-Ci and Jojo, reminded me of Azri.

If you listen to a song, which i meant, LISTEN, not HEAR a song, u may find yourself thinking of someone whom you never expect to think of.

Was walking down the roads from Novena to Somerset, i never ever fail to see butches!! like every 10 minutes.. Is it like a trend now for a girl to dress up as a guy?? i meant, are they mentally confused about their identities? And like don't they feel awkward when they dress up like a guy but have your menses?? No matter what you are still a girl.

Im not trying to discriminate against this population but hey, will you think for just a moment?? You act like this now but how about the future?? Are you not gonna think about that??

Owrite, im done here!!