Thursday, October 18, 2007

For a start, I believe I owe this blog of mine, almost 2 weeks of life.

Yes.. Its almost dying of details.

Let this be the entry of friendship, then tonight will be the entry of raya and tomorrow morning will be the entry of ties and relationships.

Okay?? OKAY.
May I declare, yesterday on the 17th of October 2007, it was dear Amalina's 20th Birthday!! Wohoo!!

So I would like to wish her a HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY!! With all the best wishes and the good things in life that is for her. Love, from me, Sue. We hope you loved your present! Because it is very Expensive, expensive which comes from the heart. Like we say, kite nie besar hati org nye.

We had loads of laughter and teasing and lots of pissing from Dee, and reminiscing of the past. We do miss them memories and those times. And how much we panic and suffer because of a bracelet (dee lost that friendship bracelet and I lost that 16 bdae present bracelet!! I cried la ok!! tsk, tsk). Well, nevertheless of the hard times, we still pull it out and we are still as united and manis semanis-manis madu lebah! hehe

Pics from yesterday and buka luar last week at Breeks (i do owe lots of pics.. eek!)
p.s: I will put all the buruk pics cos I know dee will put all the lawa2 pics.

The prezzie!!

Pics from the above!!

Total hugs from the sweetness.. Aww!!

The best friends

Buka luaran last week, proudly served by Breeks' Cafe,

The loved best friends... again