Thursday, May 17, 2007

I realise something,

I haven’t been spending time with my family like eons alreadi la!!

I missed most of my family events, I haven’t see my makciks-makciks for a really looong time till they are asking for me, loads of times.

And my mom was complaining and saying to me, that I have been penting-ing friends and werk above family.

Have i?? *wonders*

Hmm, I guess so…

Well, to compromise, I’m having my family feast, which I have planned out next week!! So, Seoul Garden, here we come!! And I am paying ok!! Sheesh!!

And Finally!!

The mother has met the boyfriend!!

And I guess, like mother, like daughter, the only shortcoming we have for him is, HE IS SHORT!! (Kan, kan I dah kate gi la pasang besi kat kaki, tinggi sikit.. hehe)

My mom can be very laser in her words like me, and it was fun mengumpat-ing about the boyfriend, walaupun berdosa.. Ish ish!! Ape nak jadi?? *menggeleng kepala*… Hehe

Mama was very against the idea of me not coming home over the weekends till Monday morning but she was pretty lenient, as long as I give a call home everyday, assurance that their daughter is fine. My June KL trip?? I need a pretty little bit of time, persuading the father. Anak dara lah katakan! *dgn loghat pekat kelantan* So dear friends, Tolong la berdoa untuk ku!! Hehe

And I was talking to my mom about the future. So all planned out!! Insyaallah, if my application is approved, I will proudly and hopefully become a trainee.

But if I don’t (insyaallah, I will.. Mudah-mudahan.), I’m applying for Civil Defence!!! Ok, I’m not going to do NS or anything. I’m going to apply for their Chemical-based department. Macam intereting gitu kan… Hmm..

I was telling my mother,

Me: Nak masuk CD nie kan, hati kene tabah… Boyfriend pendek, nampak laki tinggi, cute, comfirm sakit hati…
Mama: Asal plk??
Me: Abeh blh cuci mate je, tapi tak blh dimiliki… Pasal su dah dimiliki!!
Mama: *menjeling mate* Kau keje kat chemical dept, HQ, bukan kat fire station!! Kat situ jauh die melencong!!

Kwakwa!! Boleh tahan teruk aku!! Kwakwa!!
Nie sume salahkan Fid!! Su dah terpengaruh, salah campur!! Hehhe *peace sign*

So chilling at starbucks bugis with Zhafir, sementara menunggu Fid. Dah jadi permaisuri eh nowadays, asyik kite je tng die. Hmmph!!

Waiting for Mun was such tediousness. Lembabs nak mamps!! And I had fuun, smacking him, sampai merah2 kot!! Wah!! Saye rindu same kamu si!! That’s why I smack you the most!! And weekends, turun jgn tak turun. Kau tak turun, aku naik cab gi Seletar, gegarkan satu camp kau!! Muahaha!! Macam paham jek aku.

And FID!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m not drunk or high or whatever. I’m just me. And, and.. I agree, I think there is something wrong with my neck. Hmm.. Its like, dislocated. As for Firfir, tahan la Suesue, for a while. Firfir kan nak blek, soonss?? Hehehe… And, the 3 of u, sememang nye aku lawa.. keke

I LOVE BOTH OF YOU LA!!! For tahan-ing my karenahs cmlm. And I had F-U-N!! I see you guys this weekends k and then, we PARTTYYY!!! MUACKS!! *Hugs and kisses*

Pretty little People,

*sayang korangs sume*