Thursday, June 26, 2008

So, how was my birthday??

It was great, fabulous, memorable and entertaining!

As soon as the clock struck 12, I teared out of happiness. I guess, I never expected it to happen. I mean, I expected it to happen but not in that way. Haha! My mother was so sweet to wait for me and send me a midnite birthday message. And my bestie too!! Thank you, thank you..

As you all may have realised or find, I was not so excited about my 21st birthday! I wasn't even publicising it like I did every single year. So, I was not expecting lots of messages/well-wishes/presents as it did previous years. But!!!!!

It was much more than I expected!!

Thank you to every single one of you who messaged me sending your birthday well wishes. I was surprised at some. But still, thank you so much!

So, How did I spent my birthday?

Normal curriculum time, The Singapore Flyer, Don't mess with the Zohan, time with the family.

Thank you Azri for the time, the flowers and the wallet! *shows off wallet* It's Fossil leather!!!! The reason he bought me a wallet is because I hate wallets!

Even though the night ended bad, those last words meant a million. *winks*
As for now, Enjoy the pics!