Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I simply loved the weekends. Basically, my weekends were spent with the loved ones whom I adore alot!! And a weekend, away from the good company. Prrr...

Saturday was my Daddy's Birthday and it was simply stomach-filling!! We went to Chai Chee Seafood Restaurant! And we really filled our tummy to the top of our oesophagus! *biology comes in really good use when keeping people shut* Huahua. Followed by the traditional cake cutting where the tua bangka, turning 42 cut his nice mango fruit cake. Oh yes!! My dad is 42!

So to my Daddy, Happy 42th Birthday!! May all your teeth fall out by next yr!! *fyi, my dad has only around 12 teeth in his mouth right now*

Sunday was the anticipated day! Morning was lunch at Mad Jack with the SHF!! It has been a long time!!! Since my birthday! And yes, it was fun to gather and collecting hongbao from every one and giving 3 hongbaos at one shot! Huahua.. MadJack was fantastic and just squeezing juicy stories about each other, from being with the Chinese Muslim to the Non-halal Botak Jones eating!! Huahua.. Even though it was short but yes, its enough to kill the "i am missing shf" bugs till december.

After which was dinner with the Bestfriends! Ayam Penyet yg sungguh HOT tapi SEDAP, and to the girls unknown, the crackers biting actually worked killing the pedas-ness. Present giving and Dee, I'm glad you loved it! And please take good care of your new HP ok? Do make use of the pouch ok?? And shopping and walking and KOPI KACANG (I even wonder how u girls come up with such funny names!). And the day and night just ended up great, with much love from friends.


Monday!! I met up with Fid for McDonalds!! and talk and chill at Starbucks!! And yes!!! I was seram, esp at the cross road junction. I think both of us were practically trembling, since I was the one panicking, not the rider. HAHAH!!! Thank you Fid for the ride home and the time together2 and catch up.

Oh FID!!! "die cute pe.. Ceh, ceh.. dah pegang2 lah.. *zooms to that touchy2 part*" *wink, wink*

Can I say something??

I am the way I am for what this is me and this is the way I am and is going to be. You can't expect me to keep quiet and throw away my voice because Singapore has given the citizens the right of speech in this country.

And I just love being the open and crazy BLABBERMOUTH!! hehe