Friday, May 01, 2009

My past 3 days was spent with my loved one.

On wednesday, we went to Kallang Leisure Park for a movie, X-Men origins: Wolverine.

It was an A-Okay movie, nothing to flutter about actually.

Dinner at Pastamania.

Tell me, isn't NIE students students??!?!

The cashier said this, "You are not a student. We want universities that has no relation with education."

Wait, aren't all universities related to education?? So irritated.

We went bowling thereafter, with the socks I bought.

It was back to secondary school days, socks tinggi sampai langit.

He said, "You!! So kental!"

Thanks eh.

2 games, well, i know i have improved, at the very least. Haha!

ON thursday evening, I was throwing my utmost tantrums.

I was basically ignoring him and taking out all my tantrumic antics, which he deemed as "MINTA KENE SEPAK" punyer perangai.

He came down all the way to my home, to take me out to dinner at EastPoint.

OMG! We had our very FIRST candlelit dinner.

So romantic can?

Nasib baik he took me out for a candlelit dinner, or else, I would still be mad up till the night.


My boyfriend surprised me with a BONIA wristlet!


I was so, so, so EXCITED!!

I mean, it was a complete surprise even though I told him that I wanted a wristlet but I didn't expect him to get me one.


I told him, I was like one happy girl who just got her first Barbie doll.

N because of these days, you make me cheery and happy,

I sayangkan you.

My boyfriend and me,