Sunday, April 02, 2006

hi!!! jus got home from PENTAS.. let me tell u all abt it..


PENTAS is a show performed by the malay club from TP every year, who called themselves 'MAG'( i don noe wat it stands 4). Their theme is abt the maly heritage and culture.. Tis year their theme was " AKAR AKU", which means 'my roots'.. i believe they were trying send out a msg not to forget urself as a malay and the influence of western culture.. But they failed to bring that out.. Tis year's were more of an entertainment than an educational one.. haha.. but don wori guys.. i still enjoyed it.. let me summarise wat happen..

First part was absolutely boring.. the slow dancing and the boys and girls dikir.. no kick langsung.. boys were shouting and dictating the words but i had no idea wat they were saying.. plus wat happen to the girls dikir barat.. i mean, the juara sing and tngok lyrics pat palm die.. and the tukang karut forgot her lyrics and goes 'nananana' all the way.. to replace the lyrics.. but the awok2 was kool.. hahha..

Starting from the middle, it was fun.. the skit was funny with the kuda kepang and all the modern influence coming it.. Den Ili yg kepala tu buat kelakar moves.. we were noticing her throughout the skit.. the english song but in malay lyrics.. so funny.. the dancing, a fast one with elements of silat and kuda kepang.. it was interesting(mestilah, dee joget.. of course bergegar stage tu.. hahah)..

but i tink the most enjoyable abt the show is the finale.. the guys dikir barat.. it was entertaining.. but one thing that was merepek is ' the kemodenan and the kemelayuan' thing.. they were actually trying to send a msg but failed to do so.. instead it made us wonder wat they were talking abt.. haha..

i hav a few comments abt some one on the show but no, i won put it here.. takut dee marah.. hehe

Overall, it was an entertaining show and the ppl did a good, not great job.. still, i prefer last year's show.. hehe.. sori..

k lah, im tired now.. so, tata..