Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A fresh mind with a ketenangan jiwa after last night.

At least, my mind is clear and think properly for now.

Johor, last Saturday was so muuchh gereks! Even though it was for a short trip and the traffic was bad and long, still a short getaway from the mundane world, it feels great. Thanks As for everything.... *hugs*

What you said was true, I needed it. And I got it.

KL next mth for my birthday treat. 4 single girls exploring KL, a place they have been onlywith their family and now, going backpacking there. We are going to stay in this wakrak punyer hostel and just have fun for those 4 days.

My chalet, don't even ask me about it. My mother and I am just too lazy to plan anything, but for the sake of holiday fun, we might just make it happen.

Work... I am so loving it!! Next week is my last week of lesson with my kiddos. After the holidays, the 3 weeks will be hand over to the new teachers and we, just relax one corner.. hehe

And, I bought this!

And I love it!!! Love it, love it, loved it!!!

I have happy feet! Hurray!