Saturday Night, it was supposed to be our night together for supper.
But, he called me up,
Him: "Syg, are you ready?"
Her: "Yes."
Him: "Ok. By the way we are having a double date."
*Me having a dumb, blur moment*
Him: "We have an old couple joining us plus a kid."
*another dumb moment*
Him: "My parents are joining us la, plus Apa."
Her: "OHHH!!! ok. GREAT!"
(I wonder if there is such a word and if I had spelt it correctly.)
A touch of lemon chicken, kangkong, tom yam soup and that hotplte beancurd, who can resists!
That is basically me with my lappie. I had a serious deadline on Monday and I have not started on it yet at that point of time. So I had to drag my lappie along for the journey.
And that is her, Anak Cik Timah. Posing her way all the way from Tampines to Vivo City. You see the purple tudung there? That is Cik Timah.
And this is Cik Timah. Up close and personal.. plus my boyfriend's huge arm. haha!
THis lovely guy is my boyfriend, as you might have known. He looks veryveryveryvery happy just to be pushing Anak Cik Timah around Vivo CIty.
And this is US! The sweet ones. Looking so excited and anxious waiting for our food at Secret Recipe.
I told him that I hated taking photos with him. Because every single shot of his photos was a clean, decent shot.
The day with them ended in the evening when it was raining cats and dogs!
YOU KNOW!! I hated the rain. I was seriously scrutinising the rain that much.
Rain means no food, and no food means no mood!
The young and old couples plus the kid was planning to head down to East Coast. And you know how East Coast has this open concept and once it rains, Byebye.
I was really praying that much for the rain to stop (which it did! Thank you.) so that I could eat. I know, I am such a selfish girl when it comes to food.
He headed down to East Coast from his home and hahahaha!! The food didn't disappoint me at all. In fact, it was better that I, actually we expected. Sedap gile, hingga menjilatjari!
The sambal sotong was... *MMMHHMMM* wet and spicy and soft and chewy and just delicious! I was like one satisfied girl who got her favourite ice cream.
And many, many other things that we just grab and ate.
We ended the wet night with a filled stomach and nice long sleep for the day after.