wat do u do wen u start to detest sumone after a long time noeing tat person so well? Unknowingly, i am startin to detest that person so bad that wenever tat person talk to me, i get irritated easily and jus shun that person completely?
i dunnoe why tis happen.. it jus came suddenly.. i knew tis person so well and we get along fine.. but all of the sudden, i jus detest tis person.. is it because i am tired of that person or i noe tis person well that its so boring abt the person after all.. hmm, i wonder..
oK, finally i finish sorting all the 128K of the needle plug.. me and geraldine skip lunch 4 2 days and we managed it!! tmr is the sealing part.. hope it will be fun as we have 128 of them to seal.. hehhe..
me sleepy now.. goodnite..
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
okaY.. bloggy tiMe!!
todaY, is jUs a tirinG and sCrewed dAy fOr me.. wholE daY dO sOrtIng.. sianZ..
nIwaY, to jB and gAng, me soRRy caNNot make It.. sO tirEd pluS i wEnt shoPPing... hahha.. cuTe!!
tO lIzzY, shE's preTTy!!!
tO bestiEs, i hatE u for nOt sPendIng TimE wIth mE... bUt i luV u sTiLL..
nExT uP, i jUs fiNisH wAtcHin tEmaN, aNugeRahkU.. i dOn lIke tHe enDinG.. buT tHe hospitaL paRT broUgHt tears tO mY eyEs.. sO emO!! plUs i haTe thAT yaNA.. yUcks!!
okAY, i NeeD tO conCentRate oN mY dRama, "MIssIOn In tRouBle".. sO......
tata!! gDnite...
lUv u! mMuaCkS!!
todaY, is jUs a tirinG and sCrewed dAy fOr me.. wholE daY dO sOrtIng.. sianZ..
nIwaY, to jB and gAng, me soRRy caNNot make It.. sO tirEd pluS i wEnt shoPPing... hahha.. cuTe!!
tO lIzzY, shE's preTTy!!!
tO bestiEs, i hatE u for nOt sPendIng TimE wIth mE... bUt i luV u sTiLL..
nExT uP, i jUs fiNisH wAtcHin tEmaN, aNugeRahkU.. i dOn lIke tHe enDinG.. buT tHe hospitaL paRT broUgHt tears tO mY eyEs.. sO emO!! plUs i haTe thAT yaNA.. yUcks!!
okAY, i NeeD tO conCentRate oN mY dRama, "MIssIOn In tRouBle".. sO......
tata!! gDnite...
lUv u! mMuaCkS!!
Monday, March 27, 2006
mY dAY tOdAY!!!
mY dAy toDay is FuNNY!!
fIrsT tHinG iN tHe MOrniNg, gErAldIne n i eMbaRassEd mYselF iN fRonT of The oFFicE ppL.. tOdaY naH, tHe bUs bRokE down.. sO wE tumPanG the ChoseN pLasTicS bUs.. dEn uPon rEachIng dEre, wE had to TakE a lifT.. dOn Noe wAt haPPen.. bEhinD tHe bUs, ThEre was TraVis SEto KOk's caR.. i dId nOT rEaliSe it.. sUddeNLy, gEraLdIne jUs weNT iNto thE caR.. BeIng In a Daze, i juS foLLow heR lAh.. aLL oF tHe sUddEn, wE lOOk aT eAch other n wOndered,"dId travis cAlled uS to oFFeR a lIft or Are wE jus tHick-sKinnEd?" uPon reAchIng tHe foyEr, wE Got oUt anD raN uP to tHe 3rD fLoor toilEt.. aT tHat mOmeNT i jus wAnted tO covEr mY faCe wIth tHe plAsTic baG.. eMbarassIng okaY?? ppL nVr offER liFt, wE jUs gOt iN the caR.. sO tHick-sKinneD rite?? hahha
dEn wEnt lunCh.. mEt ruZainI.. sO lUncH toGatheR.. taLk aND taLk aBt rubbisH bIns whIle eaTinG tHe dULL brIyaNi, dEn it raIned.. gOOdnEss!! anD coMpanY wAs lIke 10 miNs waLk bck wIthout sHelter.. wAited fOr the rAin to stOp bUt tHere were mOre Cats and dOgs cuMin DowN.. bEinG tHe cLever giRls we WerE, wE raIN thRu thE stoRm.. DeN reacH tHe bus sTop, The raIn stoPPed.. stuPid uS!! sHuD haVe wAiteD 4 a whIle.. wIth wEt cloThes, haIr, soCKs, wE wEnt InsIde thE 10 deg. Air cOn rOOM.. WoaH!! i WAs lIke a penguIN wIthOut Any inSulatIOn.. cOLD... towArDs tHe eNd oF tHe dAy, i Was GettIn cRazy.. sIngiNg BSB soNgs alMost All of them.. the rOOm wAs sO daMn quIet WiTh The auNtieS doIng thEiR werK.. sO sIng aNd had mY cHinesE lEssoN.. haha..
fIniSh wErk laTE, fOllOw gEraLdiNe sUrVeY pHoNe.. seArcH eVErY flOOr of cAusEwAy poInt anD wOOdLandS cIvic cEntre.. moTorOLa V3.. den gO hM.. tiRed.. aFter tiS, go SleeP..
bUt bEfoRE thAT, waNt to wiSh 2 fRiend of miNe wHoSe b'dAe fALLs On tHE saME daY wHich wAs yEsTerDAy, 26 MaRcH.. tO tIsA aNd kAmIL.. hAPPY 19Th And 20th bDae.. tAk bAce takpe.. aT leAst, mY well wiShes arE wIt u gUys!! haha.. klah.. bYe..
fIrsT tHinG iN tHe MOrniNg, gErAldIne n i eMbaRassEd mYselF iN fRonT of The oFFicE ppL.. tOdaY naH, tHe bUs bRokE down.. sO wE tumPanG the ChoseN pLasTicS bUs.. dEn uPon rEachIng dEre, wE had to TakE a lifT.. dOn Noe wAt haPPen.. bEhinD tHe bUs, ThEre was TraVis SEto KOk's caR.. i dId nOT rEaliSe it.. sUddeNLy, gEraLdIne jUs weNT iNto thE caR.. BeIng In a Daze, i juS foLLow heR lAh.. aLL oF tHe sUddEn, wE lOOk aT eAch other n wOndered,"dId travis cAlled uS to oFFeR a lIft or Are wE jus tHick-sKinnEd?" uPon reAchIng tHe foyEr, wE Got oUt anD raN uP to tHe 3rD fLoor toilEt.. aT tHat mOmeNT i jus wAnted tO covEr mY faCe wIth tHe plAsTic baG.. eMbarassIng okaY?? ppL nVr offER liFt, wE jUs gOt iN the caR.. sO tHick-sKinneD rite?? hahha
dEn wEnt lunCh.. mEt ruZainI.. sO lUncH toGatheR.. taLk aND taLk aBt rubbisH bIns whIle eaTinG tHe dULL brIyaNi, dEn it raIned.. gOOdnEss!! anD coMpanY wAs lIke 10 miNs waLk bck wIthout sHelter.. wAited fOr the rAin to stOp bUt tHere were mOre Cats and dOgs cuMin DowN.. bEinG tHe cLever giRls we WerE, wE raIN thRu thE stoRm.. DeN reacH tHe bus sTop, The raIn stoPPed.. stuPid uS!! sHuD haVe wAiteD 4 a whIle.. wIth wEt cloThes, haIr, soCKs, wE wEnt InsIde thE 10 deg. Air cOn rOOM.. WoaH!! i WAs lIke a penguIN wIthOut Any inSulatIOn.. cOLD... towArDs tHe eNd oF tHe dAy, i Was GettIn cRazy.. sIngiNg BSB soNgs alMost All of them.. the rOOm wAs sO daMn quIet WiTh The auNtieS doIng thEiR werK.. sO sIng aNd had mY cHinesE lEssoN.. haha..
fIniSh wErk laTE, fOllOw gEraLdiNe sUrVeY pHoNe.. seArcH eVErY flOOr of cAusEwAy poInt anD wOOdLandS cIvic cEntre.. moTorOLa V3.. den gO hM.. tiRed.. aFter tiS, go SleeP..
bUt bEfoRE thAT, waNt to wiSh 2 fRiend of miNe wHoSe b'dAe fALLs On tHE saME daY wHich wAs yEsTerDAy, 26 MaRcH.. tO tIsA aNd kAmIL.. hAPPY 19Th And 20th bDae.. tAk bAce takpe.. aT leAst, mY well wiShes arE wIt u gUys!! haha.. klah.. bYe..
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Class OutIng!!
hELo!! jus gOt bcK.. wenT ouT wit loVelY fRens fRom DCP/2B/01.. oUt oF 20, onlY 7 caMe iNcluDing me.. hMMph.. ppL nowadays.. fIrsT, i meT deM at piZZa huT.. thEy atE pizza whiLe i Look aNd sEE..
FYI, i aM dIetIng.. i gaIN 3kG since ITP.. gooDneSS!! i havE not eaten caRbohyDrates 4 3 dAys.. hahah
dEn after tAt, tHey Go aRcadE, pLay DaYtona.. pLaY2 deN waLK to oRchArd.. loNg wAy.. hahah.. gO c lYneTTe, dEn tOt of eAt cAke den lYneTTe saY aLL caKe finIsH.. hAiz.. wAT a wasTEd TriP!!
dEn thEy wenT to Buy gElaTo.. lOOks yuMMy!! bUt dId not tRy iT.. tAkuT taK hAlaL.. waLK aRd den i blek.. nAk tGk HUSNI.. haha.. ERLIN MONTEL lah.. hhah..
WeIrD enDinG seH.. lawa2 tApi kaHwIN oRg kUs-seMangaT.. kelakar Kan.. hhaha..
kLah.. i nAK sLeeP lah.. nItE!!
tO fOlKS whO wEnt jUs nOW, hAd a GreAt niTe!! tHaNKs foR the tRiP!!
tO aJunWu, tRy to tahaN tHe woRk.. nOe iTs toUgh.. jUs 3 mOre wEEks anD we WILL bE bCk tO ouR bOOks ar.. haha
FYI, i aM dIetIng.. i gaIN 3kG since ITP.. gooDneSS!! i havE not eaten caRbohyDrates 4 3 dAys.. hahah
dEn after tAt, tHey Go aRcadE, pLay DaYtona.. pLaY2 deN waLK to oRchArd.. loNg wAy.. hahah.. gO c lYneTTe, dEn tOt of eAt cAke den lYneTTe saY aLL caKe finIsH.. hAiz.. wAT a wasTEd TriP!!
dEn thEy wenT to Buy gElaTo.. lOOks yuMMy!! bUt dId not tRy iT.. tAkuT taK hAlaL.. waLK aRd den i blek.. nAk tGk HUSNI.. haha.. ERLIN MONTEL lah.. hhah..
WeIrD enDinG seH.. lawa2 tApi kaHwIN oRg kUs-seMangaT.. kelakar Kan.. hhaha..
kLah.. i nAK sLeeP lah.. nItE!!
tO fOlKS whO wEnt jUs nOW, hAd a GreAt niTe!! tHaNKs foR the tRiP!!
tO aJunWu, tRy to tahaN tHe woRk.. nOe iTs toUgh.. jUs 3 mOre wEEks anD we WILL bE bCk tO ouR bOOks ar.. haha
Friday, March 24, 2006
mY 3rD anniversary!!!

How time flies!!! 3 years is a long time 4 a relationship to last.. When couples stay together too long, they tend to noe more abt each other and tat's mostly reasons why couples break up.. Jus can;t stand them.. but for mine, i can't stand him but i have to.. hahaha.. Yes, sumtyms u can't stand him but ur feelings tend to stand in ur way.. Like me.. hehe...
For my one and only, HAPPY 3 years Anniversary!! and im looking forward to the years ahead okay... Had a fun time tonite and tks for paying for the tulang!! hahaha. Super nice and super messy.. hehhe..
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
ReSulTs @Re 0uT!!
i am pleased with my results!! first time ever, i am so excited abt it.. results were released @ 8.30 tis morning.. i did not hav internet access as the company was too budget.. Den came a sms from a kind soul, Marlon.. "would u like me to check your results 4 u??" Thank god for that.. i was counting down to getting home.. hahaha.. with the server down and an hour later, my results came, fed-ex service.. hahaha.. Shock of my life, yet happy and thankful.. My efforts paid off.. Alhamdullilah..
Okay, besties... tmr, i mayb a bit late.. but i cannot assure whether i can make it or not.. okay.. b
bye for now..
i am pleased with my results!! first time ever, i am so excited abt it.. results were released @ 8.30 tis morning.. i did not hav internet access as the company was too budget.. Den came a sms from a kind soul, Marlon.. "would u like me to check your results 4 u??" Thank god for that.. i was counting down to getting home.. hahaha.. with the server down and an hour later, my results came, fed-ex service.. hahaha.. Shock of my life, yet happy and thankful.. My efforts paid off.. Alhamdullilah..
Okay, besties... tmr, i mayb a bit late.. but i cannot assure whether i can make it or not.. okay.. b
bye for now..
Monday, March 13, 2006
helo, everyone.. jus got back frm werk.. such a long day.. last week was okay.. but the food there not nice.. even the Briyani not up to standard as FC1.. blandness, yeah.. but its better than nothing rite...RITE!! ya, werk was great till Thursday, wen the MD push his weight around.. THe engineers and supervisors were so kind.. saying they will help us but skali, the MD said that we as students were not supposed to noe so much abt the company affairs.. Scared later we sell the information.. how dumb is that?? So now we are under QC, do sorting.. Including friday and today, i've check round 21,000 parts altogether.. a lot rite.. both me and geraldine.. Ya, if i had a wish, i wiLL fire the MD but too bad, he's one of the major shareholders.. Crap.. so here i am slacking at home.. play computer.. for a while.. Jus now before going home, i want to eat banana ripple but the auntie say that the ice-cream haven sejuk yet.. den bought double chocolate chip... At least, it was worth it.. nice.. choc.chip in choc.. So now, me gonna blog on class blog.. c ya..
P.S. 24 days left to end of ITP.. looking forward to eat.
P.S. 24 days left to end of ITP.. looking forward to eat.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Okay, ppl who think i am going to write the 3000 word essay, dream on!! i am not so crazy okay.. i'll just write a short one, it will do..
So ppl who miss me, i am sorry.. been busy so far.. with all th exams and stuff.. if you think i am done with all my exams, no i'm not.. i have my religious oral test this Sunday.. and i have to pass it.. Its my last year and i don want to leave the school failing my tests..
Next up, its my ITP.. crap, crap, crap, crap, crap.. i live in Simei.. let me repeat, SIMEI!!! and they put me in woodlands.. What the hell!! then Pek Choo put Meng Choo who lives in Boon Lay.. at Changi South.. crap rite? i want to change but its a last minute thing.. if that lecturer had been a fast worker, i would have been able to walk to work.. Sheesh..
Today, i am supposed to go to Sentosa but last minute plans.. i promise 2 sumones my day today. So cannot go.. Sori to the class.. so instead of being happening, im going to watch FD3 and go shopping.. Window, the most.. im jus tied up.. hehehe..
To deedee.. okay.. see u tmr.. after your dance.. i have sumthing in the morning to around afternoon.. den i can meet u.. Plus yes.. it was a nice chat. With only u talking.. and me listening..
To mal, i noe abt it.. One, forgive that girl.. she is still a minor.. hehe..
okay den, i want to go first.. tata.. MUACKS
So ppl who miss me, i am sorry.. been busy so far.. with all th exams and stuff.. if you think i am done with all my exams, no i'm not.. i have my religious oral test this Sunday.. and i have to pass it.. Its my last year and i don want to leave the school failing my tests..
Next up, its my ITP.. crap, crap, crap, crap, crap.. i live in Simei.. let me repeat, SIMEI!!! and they put me in woodlands.. What the hell!! then Pek Choo put Meng Choo who lives in Boon Lay.. at Changi South.. crap rite? i want to change but its a last minute thing.. if that lecturer had been a fast worker, i would have been able to walk to work.. Sheesh..
Today, i am supposed to go to Sentosa but last minute plans.. i promise 2 sumones my day today. So cannot go.. Sori to the class.. so instead of being happening, im going to watch FD3 and go shopping.. Window, the most.. im jus tied up.. hehehe..
To deedee.. okay.. see u tmr.. after your dance.. i have sumthing in the morning to around afternoon.. den i can meet u.. Plus yes.. it was a nice chat. With only u talking.. and me listening..
To mal, i noe abt it.. One, forgive that girl.. she is still a minor.. hehe..
okay den, i want to go first.. tata.. MUACKS
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