Today is just a plentiful day of nervousness/bumbumboom-ness/stressness.
The last hurdle to overcome before the end of my poly life.
had my FYP presentation. And it was a formal one. So i was like a kakak-kakak today. So lawa lah.. Perfectly black!! hehe
It was a vavavoom presentation and lots of snappies to show!
The end of it all, Pek Choo said, "gd report, gd presentation but scientifically unsatisfactory."
WTH!! i shud have just used all the chim terminologies found in the theory. Then perhaps, it would be SCIENTIFICALLY satisfactory. Dumb!!
And to the 3 J-s... Cfm an A lah!!! The project was a total success, no matter how boring/draggy/dead the presentation were. Im so...... HMMPH!!
And, and.. Im so mad la at someone!! one, you cld have called me.. Not just to msg sekeping and say "kirim salam kat su..". Like you always say, "kalau matair, sume kene sanggup bt pape." so jus to spend a few cents/bucks to kol me.. susah ke?!?!?!? Geram tau!! dulu, no matter wat, u like to say "ade matair mcm takde matair".. Now its my turn.. HMMPH!
Enuff of geramness...
Feasting time!!!
Nette and me!! Perfect in black..

the Smarties!
My Mates.. Me and "Lee Wah Ling".. kwakwa
Kawan baik ku whose budi yg tak dpt dibalas.The guy and The gay..
me, AJ and Nette.. tHe whole lot...