Monday, November 06, 2006

Hari raye-ing with the sec skool mates can never be more fun and crazy like yesterday.

Starting off, it was very awkward and mendaks. Well, we have not seen each other like weeks, months and years. So yes, very awkward indeed. And it was like the first time ever, where there were 407, 408 and 408 people joined up for hari raye, due all the sec skool conflicts we had.

But on and all, we get along fine. Except some very frank comments which made certain times awkward. hehe

And geram moments when dee didnt wear our clothes. haha. You should have seen Mal's face.

Charades, jokes, lift challenge, complaints of long walks from tash, mengumpat-ing, teasings and bingitss. Kucings (realli cute ones!!!), West Ham and Arsenal match.. Realli damn kecohs!! haha

tashsuefikazritsafidmildee.. Guess what it means??

Order of houses we went to..

alah, tak tau ape lagi nak crite lah. Bye2.
Pics Feasting alrite??


Girls wiLL always bE gIrls

The gUys..

gRp pIcs

rEaLLi, reAlli cUte kUcINgs... JunIor..

*sEc sKooL lOves*