A good way to end the weekdays and start the weekends!!
Spent the evening with my GERLFRENS!!! syg korangs!! hehe
VivoCity-ing, LJS-ing, Dee-waiting (mcm tak biase je..), a Romantic Picnic by the artificial pool, a walk by and in the pool with my "lesbian-4-the-day" partner.. Lots of teasings, window-shopping, Eye-washing, and loads and loads of things!!!
But the joke of the day was when.... SOMEONE FELL FLAT ON HER BUTT!! hehe.. kekek giler lah!! well, nxt time bile nak sandar on the platform, testing dulu nye.. mane lah tau.. hehek
Ok.. i don noe wat to tok abt!! Jus feast on the pics aite??
im Jus In LOVE wiT thEsE gErLS!!!