Monday, March 26, 2007

Untuk membuka tirai post hari ini,


With my tired body and heavy eyes, I dragged my feet to meet up with the peeps. And I would regret it if I didn’t go.. Bcos I just love being there and then, without even thinking of anything unpleasant. (Words aiming at Pendek.)

Even though the start of it was unpleasant with the sarcastic remarks and that plain face-off confrontations, slowly, the atmosphere came back.

As usual, people were late and it was so melampau punye lambats! With the lies yg tak menjadi, and with Man spoiling the surprise, it was just simply terrible la!!

Swensens was great!! The peeps were eating slow pasal there was so many courses. With Lin and Fathul’s perangai-ess about stealing our food selepas mengorek emas!! Hehe… With the ice cream yg tak terhabis.. Really, really banyak la ice cream die!! The birthday song was great, with Fid so the paisey nak mamps but, sweet kan kite sume, esp Diana, the organiser!! Hehe

We had extra company, with Dzaffir along. Oops!! Wrong.. Its Mr Zander Jay Sprute now. A strange name but it’s cute though. He’s so freaking kecoh with the tak-boleh-angkats-punye-slangs melayu. With all my interviews abt his life and his dumb jokes and so many faces.. The OMG so lawa and stylo tattoos.. (I cant believe I’m saying tattoos are nice..) The ear piercings yg berlobang which I can put my finger in. And the US currencies!! It was so jakunism btuls!!

After which headed to Marina South with cabbies in tow.. Bowling time!! As usual, Azri topped the game and I was loser of the day!! Don’t worry.. Makanan aku belanja you all bile gaji sampai nye!! With Naz’s boyfriend who was so damn the quiet mcm tak campur org but instead die malu.. People sume kecoh die malu2.. And my blistering feet which got worse after bowling!! And ooh, ohh!! If you wanted to know, ade org kan, die bowling… The ball actually rolled backwards la!! HAHA!!! *turns to Miss Hafidzah*

With a car and 2 bikes, which sumpah was so sempat gile yg nak mampus nye tp transport punye pasal, off we went to TWCC for supper. And thanks to Fahmy for the ride and recommendation for supper.. Prata was great, bcos it was on the house!! Haha.. On Fathul actually! Baik nah orang tu tak tau kenapa… There was so many on the house actually today… I think dapat gaji kot sume belanja.

Way home was by cabby because if you look closely kan, Fid’s forehead states, “Regular cabby customer”. Too bad there was no members card or else, she would qualify. Muahaha!! And tks for the drop-off, Fid so we three could take the bus home.

I just can’t wait and am looking forward to our following outings!! Tks you all for the nice day!! *loves, hugs and kisses*

The People..

The Early Girls..

Swensens Time!

The Birthday Girl.

The Jakunism of Currencies!

Girls Toilet Breaks!

Bowling Time!

Supper Time!

Way Sweet home for the Boys.