Thursday, March 08, 2007


Today was filled with drama, sensation and full of emotions by the beach. There were feelings of emotional, jiwang ke sini sane, sensitivity and feeling of terase-ness.

Seriously, I’ve never seen this side of Fathul before throughout my years with him. The Fathul I know was so rough, sarcastic, mulut laser and was so the annoying and irritating and so despicable in his own ways. But seeing him that way just now, somehow and hate to admit it, touched my heart. His feelings, his sincerity and his emotions towards his girl. Tell me, he can talk non-stop and yes, he spent almost 5 hours with us, talking about her, her and just her. He is just one of those who look cool and tough on the outside but just simply fragile/soft on the inside. And boy, was I surprised, disbelief and simply in awe with all those things he did. It was just simply too sweet for that Fathul-kind-of-way!! Sheesh!! And my dear friend-cum-mulut attacker, all the best boy!!! Treasure this one better than you did!! And Azri and my ears will be there if needed. *hugs*

And babe, I do want the story to end but hey, it’s not that easy, isn’t it?? All those years together and now, we are just friends. We will take things slowly to adjust the situation and yes, you know I want the best for you, no matter what. *hugs to you too*

Ok, upon request of the girlfriends, 3 of them to be exact, and I don’t know why they are simply interested about seeing his face, when it’s just a face. Just tell me, just how cute is he?? *sarcastically* (like sheesh!!)

So, does he still look kid-dish for a 21 year old policeman???