Tuesday, September 09, 2008

It's been funny, how tak tau malu this boy can be..

haha.. I tell you, luckily my mother adores you, everything ...

Except the part when she calls you "itik yg terkedek-kedek"


Sungguh funny!!

So when I say tk tau malu, "thick-skinned", it's been many days since Puasa that he comes to my place after his work, just to...

EAT!! yes, makan..

And the part where Mama keeps food aside for him, even fish which she knows he hates.

Oh sunnguh manja..

"Panas kan mee tu untuk Mun, ah goreng kan telur mata lembu taruh atas.."

And where is Mama when she say it?

On the bed, off to bed..

Wait, why should I listen?? Why should I do that for him??

Banyak cantik muka dia..

So today was the same thing, I picked him up from work and we bought goreng pisang plus our favourite, cheese hotdogs..

And off to my place..

And kite MAKAN!!

And I find it so pathetic that I have to buka on the train on my way back home from school..

If only my kakis live near me, but no.. they live near school..