Monday, March 17, 2008

Oh My Allah!!

I realised I am the only girl excited for the birthday even though its not mine!

And, and.. I just realised I don't have a decent photo of you, even though we met up last week!!

Sheesh!! So teruks!!


I want to wish you (and i know u read this blog of mine.)


(so embarassing that I have to steal your photo from frenster and tak tau zman bile lah gambar nie.)

*shouts* NOOR!!!! noor!! nooooooooooooooooooooooo.........................................


May all your wishes come true. And I know your day was spent with someone special and hope it has been enjoyable and memorable *ceh, ceh* (Did I just typed what I just typed??). Even though I accidentally dozed off minutes before your birthday, I am still proud that I am the 3rd person to wish you. Damn to those two freaks before me, the 'F' brothers.

Sorry for the tangan kosong, just a simple wish and some friendship love to share.