Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Today, I wish to wish 2 special boys in my life... and yes, coincidentally, it falls on the same day and for the past 2 yrs, its been hard to celebrate their birthday on the same exact dates because it clashes!! heheh...

Happy 20th Birthday Hons!! I hope you loved the birthday you've had today! And I seriously gave too much loves, hugs & kisses there right?? Nyehahah.

You are the one and has always been there for the past 5 years. And I treasure that alot. Even though I have been rude, having no manners, and showing loads of tantrums these few days and yes, we haven't been on fairly good terms, do know I do love you much, for all that you have done and thanks for the 5 year long support! *kasi pelukan yg amat ketat sampai terkeluar babat* nyehahah.

I hope you loved having those cake spread all over your face and playing the Trust Walk with me. I know, I'm not good at giving directions and my Trust Walk made you fall. Heheh. Come on, its your birthday right? hahah.

Marlon Tan Soon Hock!! Nyehahah. Happy 20th birthday!! You know what?? I realised that I didn't have any recent photos with you and I know the reason why. You felt you were the most handsome around so to take a photo with an average girl was soo... un-glamourous?? heheh..

Thank you for all those times when you made me smile, and lend me a shoulder when I needed one during those bad times I went through. And and, I hearts you alot for your neverending support and those constant messages to keep me boosted. *tears a bunch*

I wish you all the best in all the pretty little neat things you do! And have an exciting weekend please, since today, on your birthday, you are somewhere in the jungle fighting.. ermm, ghosts. And do take care of yourself and remember your family and friends when you are feeling low and about to give up.

Ohoh!! All the best to that new life that you are building hor.. *winks, winks*

C u on the 29th!