Monday, September 10, 2007


I must really knock my head this once very hard!!

I was supposed to remember this yesterday but I woke up in the middle of the night, suddenly thinking about it!!

TO MR CHUA JING BIN, my Powerboy love!!
HAPPY 20th birthday!!

I am so freaking sorry that I had to slip that born-day of yours inside my teeny brain!! I swear, I remembered it the day before.. (you don't believe me you can ask Sha!!! eeekk!!) *being regretful and sincerely sorry*

And ya, I may say I do miss you.. But you can say, "And you don't even bother to call or meet me up!", right?? I have been pretty lazy and busy lately and I know I haven't met the clan since 24th June, which probably is almost 3 months now.*shame on me*

And I didn't make it for last Saturday outing. *Shame on me again*

I also haven't seen Marlon, since he went into NS and he's gonna POP soon. *Shame on me again, again*

And most probably I'm not meeting you b4 you go in. *How shameful is that!*

But hey, "YOU ARE ALWAYS ON MY MIND, YOU ARE ALWAYS ON MY MIND..." (if you know the tune of the song, sing it la ok..)

Wishing you the best in everything and you are going to camp in... ermmm, in a few days time. So have fun with that!! And just do rememeber, and I promise I will meet you up pretty real soon, for that birthday gift!

And Angela also!! That was way overdue.... *another knock on the head*

Oh, did I write an entry for xiaomei?? *Thinks hard*


That, I am so soorry, but i did give you a midnight msg right??

Ah yes.. RIGHT!!