Sunday, January 28, 2007

Life has been hectic, hasn't it??

But comparing my situation with a friend, I'm more fortunate. And Rin, Take care of yourself. Life's too much precious to waste away like that. And I'm sorry that I didn't got to know about it earlier. *tight hugs*

And to those who have took the time off to actually press and send supportive messages toward me, Thanks and thanks, thanks, thanks alot!! *lots and lots of hugs n Loves*

And no, no.. Its not gonna affect my studies. I'm not that stupid for that. My last semester and I'm gonna do it well. Insyaallah.

And the moron who tagged me, I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! you are just one unsupportive freak who likes to dwell on my life, when it is none of your concern anymore. And stop it eh!! Jgn nak kol and step salah send message la. Malas aku nak layan!!

Oh, I watched the SIN vs MAS match yesterday. Syiokkies!!! Especially the penalty!! Woohoo!! And there was the Malaysian and the Singaporean at home. Abang Syamsul was so keen on watching and finishing the match with Dad before he headed home. When the penalty didn't hit, he went, "Ciss!!". HAHA!! KECOHS! Somemore with the dad as company.

And comments from the mother: "You have to stop eating!! Too much for the past days.."
And from the dad, "Ppl who eats alot are usually stressed..."

Ya, ya.. I'm stressed!! I have exams for the next 2 weeks, 4 papers!! And I'm up to my neck with revision. So scared de!!

And I realised that I have to stop my binge on food. Imagine, I'm studying and there are always food on the desk. While memorising, I'm munching... HAHA!! And, tak pernah2 aku makan pudding, I ATE 4 bowls of puddings yesterday night!! WAH!! Sheesh! I had chocolates, I had biscuits, Bread, Spaghetti.. ALL ON THE TABLE!! I think the food takes up much of the table than the books itself. KWAKWA!!

But, but... I guess never mind!! I can lose all that weight during the hols which is in... 2 WEEKSS!!! WEEEEEEE!!! *hurhurhur*

OK, back to my notes now!! *Mr blur jonny is gg back to his notes, so i'm gg too..*

Bye!! lOVEs, hUGs ANd KISSes!!